> Does this indicate global warming? Or cooling?

Does this indicate global warming? Or cooling?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I'd say it's a pretty solid indicator of global warming.

And I think publishing in a news source generally recognized as a source for science information (if at a layman level) gives it more credibility. Kind of like, say, something published in National Geographic.

It is a crap article, what has farmers and tree planting got to do with climate change,

2 There has been a resurgence in Alpine snow, ski resorts are doing just fine.

3 No-one got through the northwest passage this year although many tried.

4 Extreme weather has not been proven as being caused by climate change even the IPCC says that

5 Kiribati is erosion due to bad land practices, neighboring Islands are not in trouble, the declaration is a political means of trying for UN compensation

6 Coral reefs are not effected by carbonic acid, I have seen a photo of a very healthy reef with bubbles of CO2 coming up through it (from a natural source)

7 We still cannot grow grapes successfully in the UK, though there used to wineries there hundreds of years ago.

8 There have always been mosquitoes in Northern Italy, the dengue virus was imported by a human

9 There are less hurricanes effecting the US now

10 Darfur has extreme military armed conflicts, that why everyone left.

This article is typical of the lying crap the media publishes nowadays.

For a scientific magazine not to show any sources is disgusting, I do not know how they have the nerve to say they are scientific.

Total crap! One of the items, even a nit-wit would catch on to since it has been covered on this site extensively, is the hurricane one. It goes back to 2004 and 2005. If GW or CC truly was caused by man creating CO2 then then the hurricanes would have INCREASED since then.

About the mosquitoes in Italy. Haven't they heard of DDT? We have a genuine success story in the building of the Panama Canal and DDT, but all that went out the window when a proven bogus story about Robin's eggs softening was published. Greenies win and the rest of humanity loses.

The fact that SA publishes it does not make it more believable or less believable. One who analysis the source rather than the facts is an ignoramus. Study FACTS not HYPE!

The tremendous amounts of open water in the Arctic (shown in slide 3) indicate excessive global warming in that part of the world. Even if you are freezing where you are right now. (California also gets large amounts of global warming.) It also causes disruption to commercial shipping in the NW passage, especially when the icebreakers cannot get through.

Because Sci Am is a referred journal, unlike WUWT, you should believe everything published in it.

Scaremongering idiocy. The one thing they got right was that the policies can cause problems. Of course they fail to notice that their own lies and scare-mongering are what causes stupid policies to be enacted instead of people actually THINKING. Throwing farmers (people struggling to feed themselves) off their land to plant trees. What does that sound like???

I'll tell you what it sounds like. It sounds like the same idiocy that saw the deaths of thousands of African because of the DDT scare.

Just go and ban something that is saving lives. Don't provide a remedy or something as good, just kill Africans??? That the new environmentalism we have to look forward to???


You worry about your grandchildren Linlyons??? I worry about our humanity. I worry we are going to continue to let "may be" problems scare us to the point of reckless policies that destroy lives. Continue to take scientists "May happens" to mean certain distruction and tromp upon all human dignity whilest running around like Chicken Little's with our heads chopped off. To never realize the grievous nature of our own stupid actions, because right when we find out, another crisis is eminent. To never learn from our mistakes and to continue rushing idiotic policies until we sacrifice all of our rights to think and even question to big government to save us.

And its not just the liberals. The conservatives are every bit as bad, while we allow our corporations to direct the wars we fight, and good people die to make corporate execs rich.

You're worried about the future for your grandchildren??? Maybe less beachfront property, less snow??? I worry about them having basic human rights.


I realize you ar enot a scientist, so have no real way of determining hype from fact, so its not your fault you are so wrong. Even Pegminer know there is not enough information to link hurricanes to AGW, droughts to AGW, extreme weather to AGW, nor any link you have made beyond some melting. He know it, he just does not SAY it. He needs to be cornered to actually ADMIT this truth.

The crap articles that you are reading are based upon MAYBEs. MAYBE pigs can fly and Bigfoot exists, but there is not enough evidence to conclude either.

Now Pegminer TRIES to go into some crap about what "science is telling us" as if science can talk. He think to say that a TREND is happening, even if it is not statistically significant. I would be PERFECTLY amenable to looking at trends, IF you were not claiming everything under the sun is going to happen. You can't say more rain and more droughts, more snow and less snow, more hurricanes, no less hurricanes, no more intense hurricanes, and then talk about trends. You have allowed trends in all direction for every possible scenario, and then talk about how you were right about AGW. NO!!! That is not how science works.

There has always been disasters. The only difference now is we have certain lefties blaming themselves (meaning everyone else) for the disasters. Blaming droughts and floods on our CO2 emissions while pretending that they never happened before is shear idiocy and borderline obscene.

It indicates that the man-made Global Warming SCAM is exactly that. I thought GLOBAL Warming was supposed to be GLOBAL --- why only ten places? And why can we see no evidence of of harm to this tiny list of ten places?

And how can man-made Global Warming be effecting anything when it does not exist?

According to RSS Satellite data there has been no warming for more than 18 years.


1 It is a crap article, what has farmers and tree planting got to do with climate change,

Farmers notice changes in climate first.

Their livelihood depends on that.

2 There has been a resurgence in Alpine snow, ski resorts are doing just fine.


ht tp://www.nytimes.com/2014/11/24/sports/s...

ht tp://www.parkcitygreen.org/Community/Com...

ht tp://www.climateadaptation.eu/france/tou...

ht tp://www.smithsonianmag.com/travel/as-th...

3 No-one got through the northwest passage this year although many tried.


4 Extreme weather has not been proven as being caused by climate change even the IPCC says that


ht tp://www.climatecentral.org/news/europe-...

ht tp://www.wri.org/publication/fact-sheet-...

ht p://www.ucsusa.org/global_warming/scienc...

5 Kiribati is erosion due to bad land practices, neighboring Islands are not in trouble, the declaration is a political means of trying for UN compensation


ht tp://www.businessweek.com/articles/2013-...

6 Coral reefs are not effected by carbonic acid.


ht tp://www.scientificamerican.com/article/...

7 We still cannot grow grapes successfully in the UK, though there used to wineries there hundreds of years ago.


8 There have always been mosquitoes in Northern Italy, the dengue virus was imported by a human


ht tp://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%...

9 There are less hurricanes effecting the US now


"In September 2005, a paper published in Science magazine reported that worldwide, the number of Category 4 and 5 hurricanes had increased 80% in the past 30 years."

10 Darfur has extreme military armed conflicts, that why everyone left.


ht tp://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/conte...

"This article is typical of the lying crap the media publishes nowadays."

No. That description applies to every single thing that you posted. Every one.

Warming, but they do stretch the case.


"Top 10 Places Already Affected by Climate Change"

Does the fact that it's published in Scientific American give it more, or less, credibility?