> Does climate change go all the way back to the year 1877?

Does climate change go all the way back to the year 1877?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Because thats when Australian newspapers started writing about it


it gos back much farther than that. How about the year 1661

See this entry in Samuel Pepys diary talking about flys flying around & rose bushes with the leaves still green on London streets in January of 1661


Naturally this is anecdotal evidence because standard calibrated thermometers hadn't been invented yet, & wouldn't be for another 60 years!

A few individuals had "thermoscopes" that also acted as barometers but there were no thermometers with standard calibration during Sam Pepys lifetime.

Apparently "Climate change" & unusual weather phenomena are actually not all that unusual in the long run.

Could be. I am in Rochester, NY right now and, according to the weather reporters, in 1888 New York had the biggest snow storm ever. If that is so, Gore din't invent AGW after all.

Go back in history and you will see that scientists have been crying about an Ice Age or a GW since the late 1800s.

These are proven crackpots andd are no different than the greenies of today.

Notice the mention of alternating thirty year periods of cooling and warming. Kind of like the Akasofu prediction.


It just goes to show you that the modern incarnation is no different than the previous. There is something in the human psyche of a significant portion of our population that needs to believe they live in special times, that they are influencing everything that is happening to them, including the climate. They all predictably are believers in Ehrlich, believing we are running our of everything, due to human greed and stupidity (except them of course). They are all believers in a centralized government to fix everything. They want to belong and they want to feel warm and fuzzy that they are helping to fix everything. I call these people alarmists.

personally, I think climate change goes all the way back to the beginning of time, the world has always been in a state of constant change.

That in no way way means that humans are not the current dominant force behind climate change.

You can tell from this chart.

Because thats when Australian newspapers started writing about it
