> Climate change should we cut back on baked beans?

Climate change should we cut back on baked beans?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
They were laughing when he (Viscount Simon) said that. [1] (it took me 30 seconds to find that link)

Sadly the house of lords is often as juvenile as the political banter on yahoo answers and the knowledge of science is no better either. [2]

I also found the link for the laughing on this comment in a few moments (where you using Bling to search) it took me about as long as FSM to find this. (see his provided link)

If you want actual video all of both houses can be found on their website


Although in finding the above link I also found this


Now for some science (you may want to stop listening at this point kano) the carbohydrates in baked bean go through the large intestine, pretty much intact it is only in the colon that bacteria break them down which produces a lot of gas, hydrogen, nitrogen and carbon dioxide only the last is a green house gas and that is from the beans (a plant) it is not really adding anything to AGW. Large gas release is more usual if you only occasionally eat baked beans, eat them regularly and the gas issue subsides.

I think denier interest in the humor of flatulence (like any 12 year old) is for a cheap joke, but their complete lack of understanding of the actual mechanics says a lot about the nature of denial.

>>Now I have searched online and can find no video clip that shows this question being asked and his colleagues laughing, so can I ask Gary where he got this information or was he just lying.<<

How could you not find anything? Oh yeah, your lazy scholarship, again.


You would first have to show that baked beans always leads to greenhouse gas production, which is not necessarily the case. Next you would need to determine if the amount produced is significant, but it probably is not possible to determine how much is produced.


Almost certainly this is related to the microflora per person.

There may be a enzyme deficiency involved for some persons.



There are some ways to avoid gas from beans and other foods that some people find difficult to digest.





I asked this question before https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20140411172021AABzAF9

Gary F. says "

Why were his colleagues laughing when he asked the question?

It was a goof; a joke that only a total moron would be stupid enough to take seriously - and that certainly explains why Deniers have jumped all over it"

Now I have searched online and can find no video clip that shows this question being asked and his colleagues laughing, so can I ask Gary where he got this information or was he just lying.