> Climate change deniers, what Bible college did you go to?

Climate change deniers, what Bible college did you go to?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I think some warming is happening and caused by man, but that it is being extremely exaeggerated. Further, proper debate is being stifled with absurdities like the assumption that anyone who disagrees must be ignorant or a relgiious zealot.

I am a Deist. I went to the US Air Force Academy, which required a congressional nomination. I also have a PhD in statistics. I sincerely doubt that your credentials are superior to mine.

I would think that even Bible colleges would expect a high school diploma, and I would give odds that many of these people didn't graduate from high school.

That being said, I gave a guest lecture in meteorology at one Christian college, and in previous weeks they had covered Noah and the flood!

Nobody denies the climate changes. Skeptics only deny the humans are causing it.

There is NO 'man-made' climate change.

Top climate scientists say there is no man-made Global Warming.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

That would be a small minority of them.

In fact, assuming that most of 'em went to college would likely be wrong.

Keep in mind, the common thread is that they don't want to pay for the damage that they're doing to the world.

They want to put that off on the next, and succeeding generations.

When you see "religious" folks doing that, the faith that they're following is faith in greed.

Obama is lying about that, so he can give $billions in subsidies to his friends who run "green" industries. And he wants to wreck America's energy industry so we'll be FORCED to buy from Solyndra. The love of money is the root of all evil, and Marxists like Obama are greedier than anyone.

Be careful.....Your Global Warming Messiah.....Al Gore.....was a Divinity student in college.

He has made a lot of money preaching the false scripture of Man-did-it Global Warming.

Not all Bible colleges are anti-science.




Most denialists got their education from Professor Rush.


The college of buybull babble.


Saint Paul of the Cross Seminary. Which one did you attend, Sparky? Why do you ask? What does one have to do with the other?

Ah, a new standard bearer for the Y!A Alarmist camp. Own it.

LOL...what's with the irrelevant comparison?

Did you try to do a search on Google?

What a lonely bore you are.