> Change 55D to Celsius?

Change 55D to Celsius?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
10 points

First, subtract 32 from 55. Then, divide by 1.8. Here goes, 55-32=23. 23/1.8=12.78 degrees C.

If it's in Fahrenheit, subtract 32 and multiply by 5/9. You can also just type it into Google and Google will convert it for you.

55 Fahrenheit is 13 Celsius. What 55D is I would not have a clue, never heard of it!

Assuming 55D is D for degree's and that you mean F then the answer is 12.77c

Another stupid question to add to your collection

55D????? Your girlfriend?

Is that your bra size?

10 points