> Are reusable shopping bags better than paper?

Are reusable shopping bags better than paper?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
No. It has been proven in Washington State that the reusable bags are the cause of spreading disease.

Do you want another typhoid outbreak? Which one would be better for our environment?

I can remember when the malcontents of our country pressed for plastic, thinking that it was saving trees. Paper is renewable so it is obvious that the hippies of that time didn't think things through. Now with this big push for renewable and the fact that plastic bags suffocated a few ducks, plastic has been outlawed in some places. This big push was enacted by the same hippie types that pushed for plastic back in the seventies. Now these same hippie types want for us to use reusable bags. When will we ever learn?

Just look how long paper bags have been used. History shows that the Boston area developed the paper bag in the mid 1800s. We had no problems with them until the San Francisco hippies started to rile everyone up about the use of a renewable commodity. How insane is that?

There's pros and cons to both, like other folks are saying. You don't know how many roaches have crawled around in the reusable bags at people's homes, or into the stacked paper bags at the stores. Ideally, reusable bags are better, but most people I know forget them. My roommate insisted on using one, and people wouldn't want to know about how he kept it hanging on a nail on the bathroom wall, with his jeans on top of that, until he washed them once a month.

Reusable shopping bags are usually made of plastic based cloth, and last for years. Most bags used in supermarkets these days at point of sale are thin single use plastic, which is usually just thrown away or used as garbage bags and sent to land fill. In many countries now, in order to cut down on pollution by plastic bags which are not disposed of correctly, supermarkets are starting to charge for them, to make people buy the reusable bags.

Paper bags are seldom used these days in shops, as they are more expensive to manufacture than plastic, although, like the thin plastic bags, they can be recycled. You also have problems with paper bags of falling apart with the slightest bit of moisture, like de frosting cold foods carried in them.

paper is not as good for the environment- it uses lots of resources in the process. Reusable bags - the heavy variety you have to pay a 1 dollar fee for usually - can be used indefinitely

Reusable bags are only good if people actually reuse them.

Paper is made from trees. Humans are the only creature in this world who cut the trees, made paper from it and then wrote, "save trees" on it.

I'm giving a short speech on why more people should use reusable shopping bags as opposed to plastic. My teacher is going to ask me a few questions afterwards and I fear one of them may be my stance on paper bags. Why use reusable if paper is more convenient and just as good for the environment?