> Can earthquakes be part of the effects of Global Warming?

Can earthquakes be part of the effects of Global Warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I know Climate change, melting of ice in the poles, rise of sea level, extinction of species are some of its effects of Global warming..

There is *some* possibility that massive ice melt can have a small effect on earthquakes, by altering the stresses on the tectonic plates. But the effect is likely to be rather small.

Not directly, it is certainly the case that isostatic rebound is still happening from the loss of glacial ice of the last glacial period, this causes earthquakes to this day as the land mass that was under that ice continues to rise.


The same is true for glaciers in the Northern Hemisphere today and Antarctica, as ice melts in these places you will have the same effect, now deniers who pretend to be geologists will try to say this is all just alarmists but in fact the theory comes from (real) geologists.

But is not something we will need to worry about for a very long time as it will take thousands of years for the ice to melt that much of course a melt of that magnitude would mean a sea level rise of 65-70m so I think earthquakes won't be an issue as cities like LA and many other major cities would be under water.

Earthquakes themselves would be regional and as few people live in these areas there is little real cause for concern, one problem that we may face is Tsunami linked to such earthquakes, as they can have effects thousands of miles from the source of the earthquake.

Yes. Global warming causes an increase in earthquakes, though they tend to be small. See Chem Flunky's answer. The melting of ice plates for whatever reason causes earthquakes as the weight on land is reduced. If you apply pressure to a rubber ball, the ball indents at the point of pressure. Release the pressure and the ball rebounds to its spherical shape. The earth does the same on its scale as the pressure from ice is removed.

The impact of human-induced global warming on Earth's ice and oceans is already noticeable: Greenland's glaciers are melting at an increasing rate, change the balance of forces in Earth's crust is ice, in the form of glaciers and ice sheets that cover much of the area around Earth's poles plus mountains at all latitudes. The weight of ice depresses the crust on which it sits.

I believe that there can be some possibilities that Global Warming has something to do with earthquakes. As we can see, our planet is aging already and if the environment continue to become unstable, there are some movements under the ground that can trigger quakes. The extreme hot weather condition sometimes may trigger quakes because the ground is moving always and it if moves stronger, we are experiencing earthquakes.

Earthquakes have nothing to do with global warming!

I dont know if this will help but earthquakes are cause by the earths tectonic plates hitting each other and the sliding ontop of each other

NO --- but some nutcase Warmists have claimed that.

Is there anything that Warmists haven't blamed on man-made Global Warming --- I don't think so.

The site I've linked below claims to have the complete list of bad things that have allegedly been caused by Global Warming.


For example:

Did you know that Global Warming killed the Loch Ness Monster? (sad hun? - no word on Godzilla)


How about the poor polar bears who's penis sizes are shrinking because of Global Warming (pollution). I wonder how many researchers they lost getting those measurements.


Global Warming is said to be hurting the brothel industry.


Warmists will blame anything on Global Warming and the lapdog Leftist media will report it like it has some credibility. Most people don't realize this scam has been limping along for more than 30 years already.

And that's what's truly sad --- such a waste of taxpayer money to prop-up this globalist hoax.

No.Earthquakes have nothing to do with global warming.

Only if enormous amounts of ice melt.

I know Climate change, melting of ice in the poles, rise of sea level, extinction of species are some of its effects of Global warming..

We would not have Earthquakes if we just shot them, I mean really, all you have to do is shoot the ground as it starts to rumble.

Hahahahaha!! Funny..... Of course I Dont think so nor care.

No. this is not physically possible.

Any who say otherwise have no concept of science.