> Argumentative Essay: Global Warming?

Argumentative Essay: Global Warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
A 0.8C rise since 1880 in Global average temperatures is the warming we have recently experienced.

Natural Climate Variability is the basic argument against Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW). Please understand that there is a difference between Natural Global Warming and Anthropogenic (man-made) Global Warming. Also understand that there is Natural Climate Change and Anthropogenic Climate Change. The debate is based on a 0.0112% change in our atmosphere which is the rise of CO2 since 1880 (basically the beginning of the Industrial Revolution). CO2 measurements were 288ppm (parts per million) in 1880 and are currently 400ppm. That's a change of 0.0112% in our atmosphere. (Emphasis on 0.0112% change in our atmosphere! Can you tell?) Let me add to this by saying that humans are only responsible for less than 1% of all of the added CO2 warming at any given time. Additional CO2 in our atmosphere has many other sources.

Natural Climate Variability is what we see with our past 2 climate periods before fossil fuels were introduced into the atmosphere (The Little Ice Age (LIA) and the Medieval Warming Period (MWP)) where temperatures have varied by as much as 5C between these periods.


It is "unequivocal" that Natural Climate Variability is still in charge of our climate system!


Greenhouse Warming rapidity increases as you go farther up in the troposphere from the surface. That's how a greenhouse works (colder air falls and warm air rises). The increase in the upper troposphere hasn't happened and has remained constant or is slightly warming. If the upper troposphere was warming then Hurricane Sandy would not have happened because a hurricane depends on a cooler upper troposphere and a warm surface temperature for its energy.


Thanks for your "thumbs down" Gryph! It shows that you know nothing about the "greenhouse effect"!

The IPCC SREX report has covered that there has been no increase in disasters and storms due to global warming.

A few quotable quotes from the report (from Chapter 4):

"There is medium evidence and high agreement that long-term trends in normalized losses have not been attributed to natural or anthropogenic climate change"

"The statement about the absence of trends in impacts attributable to natural or anthropogenic climate change holds for tropical and extratropical storms and tornados"

"The absence of an attributable climate change signal in losses also holds for flood losses"

The earth is cooling presently.


How could a hurricane (It really wasn't a hurricane when it hit our coastline.) during a cooling period be caused by Global Warming? It doesn't make any sense.

Sandy wasn't caused by climate change, as we have not had a rise in temperature for many years now, Sandy cannot be blamed on temps, generally storms are more frequent when the climate is cooling, as oceans cool much slower than the atmosphere, causing a large temperature difference, which drives weather.

Normal cyclical changes. And, btw, the polar ice-pack in the mid-Antarctic continent is now thicker than ten years ago. There is no unanimity on the AGW issue...not way!!

Although climate change can't be proven to cause Sandy, it is possible, but not yet proven that Sandy's severity may have been effected by climate change It could be a few years before anything can be proven I suggest you search "sandy natural vs climate change" for links to build your paper use the quotation marks

global warming is a myth started by democrats .

Im writing about how global warming caused Hurricane Sandy and I need help with counter claim. What are some counterclaim for sea rising, glaciers melting and increasing storms and precipitation?