> Why is it so cold in the sping time?

Why is it so cold in the sping time?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
what happened to global warming? has the ice age stared?

It is global warming

Greenland is having a heatwave pushing arctic air down on N America


Honestly it is frequently cold in spring Global climate change will not always be warming in all places

Globally this was tied as the 10th warmest March on record for combined land and ocean

I am in SW Michigan and I remember in April of '72 it snowed 10 inches one day

Warmest March that's bull In Missouri its 30 degrees below normal .

Excellent question

I am in Sydney and the temperature has dropped 10 degrees C in the past 2 hours

At this rate Sydney Harbour will be frozen by midnight

It is because of natural variability in weather patterns and due to low pressure coming from the Atlantic.

Global warming.

"Globally this was tied as the 10th warmest March on record for combined land and ocean" Where?

It was the coldest in Europe since records began!

Ask Al Gore. He has all the answers. And if you buy 1000 carbon credits from him he might give you one.

This is just usual weather. Some years are warmer and some years Spring is colder.

No need to panic either way.

Important question.

I think it is because of natural variability in weather patterns.

Cold its freaking hot

what happened to global warming? has the ice age stared?