> Why don't cars turn off their engines when they are stopping at red lights to reduce CO2 emission?

Why don't cars turn off their engines when they are stopping at red lights to reduce CO2 emission?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Wear and tear on the starter, battery and other parts isn't worth it. Especially since you're starting back up in like 30 seconds or whatever.

That wastes the use of all components involved, plus all non solids like co2, exhaust, gases, smoke, etc. that rise into the upper atmosphere separate into nothingness by nature as it has been doing for over a thousand years and I proved this to 350 million people in 2008/ Global warming ended over a year ago and all seasons have returned to normal naturally, like it was before Global Warming in the 1970's, so get used to it. Mike

The short answer is that they could, but to have any benefit the CO2 produced during idling would have to be more than the CO2 produced in restarting the engine.

According to Ford's Eco Programme in Europe, that time is 20 seconds - if you're idling for more than 20 seconds it would have been worth just turning off the engine in terms of emissions. In the US, the time suggested by the EPA is 1 minute.

Depends. For electric hybrids they do. However your car needs to be designed to do this. continuous starting and stopping of some engines can cause additional weart and tear AND increase net fuel usage. Some engines use more fuel than many want to beleive on start-up.

Thus if you push this universally wihtout the proper thought and design considerations you could make the problem you are seeking to solve worse, NOT better.

Some do look up the new Chevy Malibu e assist...

It is a good idea and I have done this, but some cars ha ve difficulty starting and i they stall many cars will still be running their engines at idle

Most cars aren't sophisticated enough to turn off without their drivers approval and frankly I am glad that my car is nice enough not to do things I don't ask it to...well there was that one time it went too fast and cost me a ticket.

The most common car failure of all is simply a car not starting. Do you realize how many stalled cars at intersections this would generate?

For most modern cars, at least over here in Europe/Germany, that is one option from the catalogue.

the Toyota Prius Hybrid does.

They are waiting for you to first turn off your computer, if that doesn't take too much scarce brain power.

My Skoda does.

mercedes cla does

Some hybrids do.

It is already being done.