> What do you tree huggers want us to do?

What do you tree huggers want us to do?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
What can save this planet, that is apparently doomed unless we do something drastic. What is this drastic changes you all want? For us to live in the stone ages.

Some just want more taxes and take our money, like Al Gore. Some want a one world government.

Quote by Dixy Lee Ray, former liberal Democrat governor of State of Washington, U.S.: "The objective, clearly enunciated by the leaders of UNCED, is to bring about a change in the present system of independent nations. The future is to be World Government with central planning by the United Nations. Fear of environmental crises - whether real or not - is expected to lead to – compliance”

Then there are some that just want to kill off other people.

Quote by Jacques Cousteau, mega-celebrity French scientist: "In order to stabilize world population, we must eliminate 350,000 per day."

Then there are some that want us all to die.

Quote by Christopher Manes, a writer for Earth First! journal: "The extinction of the human species may not only be inevitable but a good thing."

We could go back to the stone ages, but that would not not suffice. They don't really know what they want. In the mean time they will come up with one cause after another, all of which will make everyone's life more miserable.

It's way too late to 'do' anything. By mid century this planet will have over nine billion people and the CO2 level will reach 450ppm...the foothills of a runaway greenhouse effect. There will be no slowing down in the burning of fossil fuels and most of the aquifiers that billions of people rely on for fresh water will be drained or polluted. Entire forests will be clear cut and the oceans will be heavily acidified. Most of the antibiotics now in production will be worthless against the already common 'superbugs' and there's not much in the pipeline. Wars, both conventional and those waged by non state organizations will increasingly create massive problems for urban areas and political unrest will prevent any real solutions or even attempts at solutions.

The 'tree huggers' warned, but the 'tree muggers' hold and have held all the cards. The world was told what needed to be done, but the world didn't listen and still isn't inclined to listen. When Noah built the ark it wasn't raining. Right now there are only a few sprinkles...easily ignored. But as it's already too late... why bother?

The surest path to us having to live as people did during the stone ages is for us to do nothing now that would help to prevent this. The climate will continue to change and with no regards as to whomever would claim otherwise. If you want to peek forward as to what is likely coming up for the living species now, you would have to look no further than anytime within this planet's history that rapid climate change happened.

The planet will outlast us all.

Regardless of the cause, history shows that as climates change populations will move, adapt, or die. The overwhelming majority of scientist tell us that by altering the levels of CO2 in the atmosphere, this will increase the amount of heat the planet retains and this in turn will also cause climates to change. [1] The question is if it is better to prevent human induced climate change, by switching to a cleaner but in some cases more expensive source of energy [2], or let future generations pay for adapting and/or migrating if needed.

So lets start with something drastic and remove all subsidies and tax incentives for the fossil fuel industry. Those companies have been around long enough and no longer need those tax handouts, besides it will help balance the budget somewhat. After that we can sit around the campfire singing kumbaya praying that people will not dump waste products into the environment or do something radical like discourage the dumping of waste into the environment. (Like we do for most things we know can cause problems, including human excrement, even though it is a plant food and cheaper to dump onto the street [3])


We have one individual who tries to uses association fallacies [4] (often by misquoting and even outright fabrications) that because those people said something that sounds suspicious, that the whole scientific community is "bad"

Quotes by Sagebrush (who frequently quotes Nazi's to further his cause)

"Execute all those who voted for OBAMA",

"Sustainability is a codeword for communism",

"Hire the handicapped, they are fun to watch"'

"Justice and equality are codewords for communism",

"God has his hand on the thermostat".

So while it is obvious what kind of person Sagebrush is, if we were to use his "logic" [4] it would make ALL deniers, genocidal, Nazi loving, justice, equality and sustainability hating, religious extremists. Although it would not be unreasonable to assume that his fans [5] are.

"tree huggers" are measuring the tree to tell how old it is they ecologist. im gathering you want information on climate change not ecological biodiversity and homes for animals. there is many different things we can do and no we don't want to go back to the stone age and the thing is we don't want future generation to go back there either or simple die out. there's many different study's into storage of co2, basically one really good thing we can do is stop taring down the amazon,there is study's that have yet to find results in taking co2 out of the atmosphere and put it in the ground. we have to stop think that the earth has endless researchers. eg apple makes ipads that key part only comes from one mine in the whole world that's not going to last for ever. better education and change the type of energy we use like coal, there is wind and solar power out there,, also there are clubs that use the power of people moving to power the place. don't over eat! a lot of the problems come from cows they fart a lot! and that worse then co2 for the atmosphere also n used to help plant grow faster if its relied into the air its worse then the and make sure that you buy a place in land and near the equator if you don't want to do anything about it.

Well, it's unfortunate, but there are always going to be people out there with axes to grind who are counterproductive. Rather than engaging in any serious inquiry or really comprehending an issue in depth, they fall back on what we call 'sound bytes' today and model the impolitic behavior of other people they choose to admire for one reason or another, overlooking the obvious...a person isn't really going to get useful information from poking a bear with a stick. Maybe in a lot of cases the people who behave like that don't really care...they've had too much to drink, or they're impotent in real life, so poking the bear is just mindless entertainment, and in this virtual bear-poking contest, they don't risk getting an arm ripped off or anything.

Perhaps, like many people who come to this forum you fall into that category in one way or another too...based on your question, it is reasonable enough to assume that you do, although one would be hard pressed to guess your actual motivation. I don't really care to.

For the record, there are probably a few 'tree huggers' out there who would want to take us back to an earlier time. A lot of people want to do that for one reason or another, and I suppose similar accusations can and have been leveled at other reactionaries, such as conservatives who may be perceived as being extreme in their views. And names that some consider insulting are applied equally as often as environmental activists are called 'tree huggers.' 'Tea Baggers,' for one example, which serves up images a little more offensive than someone literally hugging a tree to prevent it from being cut down.

For the most part, though, I'm not aware of any mainstream school of environmental thought that favors returning to the stone ages. Seems to me the environmentalists are primarily promoting the advance of technology rather than the reverse. The costs and efficiencies of doing so are the problems, which is what you may be getting at, albeit awkwardly and in a way that is not likely to elicit much cooperation...and judging from the answers so far, has not.

I personally have never hugged a tree, and people who know me best would not be likely to describe me as an environmentalist, but I do feel that advancing technology is the best way of dealing with whatever environmental problems confront us, and I encourage further research into climate to better understand the influences mankind has on it as well as quantify it. Like most people I know and from what I have read and studied, I don't see much evidence of any need to do something 'drastic,' and I certainly don't believe we are doomed any time in the near future if we don't. That's some kind of manufactured belief, the catalyst for which may have originated with Flakey Foont. We just need to invest wisely and manage risk effectively. Whether government or business working independently-or even together-can be trusted to do that or not is the underlying question.


I remember the treehuggers actually getting that name because they did hug trees to stop them from being chopped down. They successfully killed the logging industry in the US and moved it overseas. Now lumber is shipped overseas using fossil fuels to do so. Nevermind that our logging industry actually planted around 2 trees for every one they chopped down. Nevermind, their actions were environmentally-friendly.

NOW you are warning about the end of the world, due to man??? 450 ppm, going to destroy life on this planet now??? Funny ow the Jurassic period saw 2200 ppm and life thrived.

And your super-bugs??? Antibiotics do not make superbugs and neither do their overuse. Not that greeners ever warned about this anyways. The overuse of antibiotics make it so that the bugs are immune to those antibiotics. They are not any stronger or more "super" than the bugs that have been around for millions of years, they are just immune to those antibiotics.

I rarely use anitbiotics and still the "superbugs" have not managed to kill me.

You need to quit your doomsday garbage talk, before you actually start to believe this stupidity and live a lesser life from worrying about a future that will likely never come.

Well, Kano either has a doctorate in physics and meteorology or is a bar room loudmouth and Jose de seems to be in need of help. It is complex and even for experts time will tell. There are however reasonable suspicions among experts and the less educated are bound to exhibit knee jerk denial.

There are no more tree-huggers thanks to the Scientific Literacy Plot which has tricked the world into thinking that Al Svante Gore, disguised as a Reptilian Ozoneman Pigbear, invented the internet. Former tree-huggers are now too busy hugging stone-carved laptops while riding the dinosaurs which Al Svante stole from Fred Flintstein and Neanderthals and carried back to Steven Spielberg on his time machine.

You will have to be more specific. Do you mean the Early Paleolithic, Middle Paleolithic, Upper Paleolithic, or Neolithic? Or are you referring to the New World, in which case it would be the Paleoindian or Early Archaic Periods?

My suggestion would be that you try to finish high school.


kano --

You're either drinking too much or not enough.

What can save this planet, that is apparently doomed unless we do something drastic. What is this drastic changes you all want? For us to live in the stone ages.

We must fly to mars and begin breeding with aliens.

Use ur head Reduce ur carbon footprint, conserve water, don't waste food Support the switch to SOLAR AND WIND POWER

This planet is not doomed (by global warming anyway) the greenies want eradication of mankind so animals will be safe, the politicians want full control over us so they can regulate our lives.

The scientists want lots of funding and fame.