> Who debunked Al Gore? Was it a legitimate source/individual or a raving loon?

Who debunked Al Gore? Was it a legitimate source/individual or a raving loon?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
And what is Anti-Climate Changers main issue with him?

Just wondering.

It was a court in England.

Al Gore’s movie "An Inconvenient Truth" was full of bald faced lies. Like the Polar Bears were drowning, or the Ice Caps were melting, or the oceans were rising --- all lies. In fact a court of England ruled the movie was so flawed that it could not be shown to school children without a disclaimer.

35 major errors in Al Gore’s movie


Court rules Al Gore’s movie unfit without disclaimer (11 major errors reviewed)



The question is somewhat confusing. Has Al Gore been debunked? I know people have had things to say about his film "An Inconvenient Truth" so I will concentrate on that.

Also, what is an "Anti-Climate Changer"? As far as I know, both the major sides in this debate agree that the climate changes. One side thinks it has always changed and the other thinks it only started changing after the, man-made, Industrial Revolution started.

An official questioning of the film took place in a UK court. This was not so much to question its scientific accuracy but to see whether it was politicaly acceptable. The UK has rules about the state politicising children. The judge ruled that the film was partisan but that was insufficient justfication to ban it. The onus was placed upon the teachers to give the balancing view.

To that end the guidelines for the film were re-written and issued along with the film. References about pressuring your MPs, for instance, were removed and the list or organisations for further information was changed from a rather politically biased set.

The judge, Mr Justice Burton, also ruled that the "Go to" place for climate information should be the IPCC Assessment Report and not the film An Inconvenient Truth. He compared the film to AR4 and that is how he identified the nine points of difference which he called "errors" (usually with quotes but sometimes without).

I think the main problem anyone would have with Al Gore is the hypocrisy involved. His family did well out of tobacco and Big (Standard) Oil and his father was linked to communist spies. Gore Jr had a tin mine on one of his properties that made him the largest private polluter in Tennessee. He flies his private jet round the world telling everyone else that they should cut back their carbon footprint while choosing which of his many large houses he will live in that day. He even insists that his motorcade should keep its engines running while he gives one of his dollar six figure lectures - even when it is actually illegal as in Sweden.

Then there are the business interests that stand to make a profit out of environmental issues (e.g. Generation Investment Management) and the various well-paid jobs in non-profit organisations and acting as a government advisor (e.g. to the UK) not to mention the Chicago Climate Exchange which he pioneered in collusion with some Goldman Sachs cronies.

The debunking of Al Gore's movies has a few sources.


Note that Monckton has some facts that do debunk what Gore said, and some that are not a scientifically rigorous.


Note that these are high court rulling, but only address 9 problems and certainly could not be considered a firm debunking of the whole film

Al Gore represents something though. He represents the difference betweenthe global warming proponents and the scientists. He makes far greater claims of certainty than any scientists would normally make. He also uses the worst-case scenario models as if they are the likely models. Further, due mostly to ignorance, he makes some silly mistakes that most scientists would not have made.

BUT, Al Gore also represents the government officials. He claims to fear global warming as he hops in his personal jet to talk about it. He fear the rise of the seas as he buys sea front property. He represents everything the warmers should despise. Hypocrites getting rich off of global warming while living large and asking the common man to go without.

Therein lies the real problem. Now Al Gore is not the devil. What he is, is a rich politician getting even richer off of global warming. He is a very visible pretender.

If I were a warmer, I would derail the man as someone who talks the talk, but does not walk the walk. Unfortunately for the warmers, they actually defend Al Gore to their own detriment.

Fact is that while the warmers call me a "denier" and dump insults upon me, my "carbon footprint" is rather small as I actually take measures like recycle, reducing what I use, using fuel efficient vehicles, etc. Why? Because I do agree with helping out the environment even if I am not sold on "climate change" having a huge negative affect.

So how silly do they look defending what amounts to a charlatan, while attacking someone like myself?


I don't expect honesty from you either. Look at yourself. Are you really not even going to acknowledge how Gore seems to be the type that talks the talk and does nto walk the walk???

You talk about honesty??? Try some on for size. Having a hypocrit on the warmer's side does not make your side wrong. DEFENDING HIM, however, doesn't look good. Defending him, while calling people liars, makes you look bad. Defending him, calling others people liars AND attacking people who have a less negative impact on the environment, makes you look horrible.

A mountain of evidence of data fabrication and distortion along with long term temperature charts show Al to be as bogus as a 6 dollar bill. East Anglia college emails, NASA October temps used as November temps, the reduced number of reporting stations thus skewing temps up since it has been rural stations closed, etc. The bizarre notion of scientific consensus. What the heck is that? We would still believe the earth by that folly.

Then he has three 30" monitors for his home computer. The house is way bigger than any neighbors. He flies all over in his private jet. And he sells his Current cable network to Al Jazeera which is funded by Abu Dubai which is oil money. All hypocrisy.

Why would anyone still have any respect for Al? Oh yeah - did you hear him say the earth is a "couple million degrees" just a mile under your feet? So who is the raving loon?

He is a liar. Just look who is defending this proven liar. He claims right on TV that super storm Sandy was the result of Global Warming. And 'scientists' like Peggy adore and defend him.

He debunked himself.

Science debunked him.

Many kids in school debunked him.

His experiments with Bill Nye debunked him. Ha! Ha! They were a joke.

Quote by Will Happer, Princeton University physicist, former Director of Energy Research at the Department of Energy: “I had the privilege of being fired by Al Gore, since I refused to go along with his alarmism....I have spent a long research career studying physics that is closely related to the greenhouse effect....Fears about man-made global warming are unwarranted and are not based on good science. The earth's climate is changing now, as it always has. There is no evidence that the changes differ in any qualitative way from those of the past.”

I'm sure there is a long list of real scientists that would gladly debunk him, if given the chance.

Kelly Bundy... white man's kryptonite.

I would say that his own hypocritical behaviour, along with the weather, debunked Dr Big Al Gore.

Who knows what tipped him over, Gore is one of the biggest hypocrites in Tennessee.

For a so called environmentalist his house has a huge footprint.

He is just make the right noise. He made lots of money selling is broadcast business to "good" people.

Pile it up Al.

First he is an idiot.

Second his movie had almost no basis in fact and has been debunked in so many ways by so many people and organizations that only raving loons still spout their support for it.

Al Gore's home near Memphis TN uses more energy has a larger carbon footprint than my ENTIRE neighborhood. This was learned through a FOIA. He did not even have solar panels on this home until a couple of years after this was made public.

Stop acting blond and do some research.

Al Gore is not a climatologist. What he does with his books, his website,


and his movie is present the evidence from climatolgists. In his movie, a British court did find some errors. But the decision was not the hatchet job that denialists claim.

"Mr Justice Burton said he had no complaint about Gore's central thesis that climate change was happening and was being driven by emissions from humans. However, the judge said nine statements in the film were not supported by mainstream scientific consensus.

" In his final verdict, the judge said the film could be shown as long as updated guidelines were followed.

"These say teachers should point out controversial or disputed sections."



The judge ruled that Al Gore made nine errors because that was all that the "skeptics" witnesses would swear to.

Al Gore got his money from Tobacco.


and his sister died from lung cancer but that didn't stop him from exploiting that for politics. Previously he bragged about planting and growing and sowing tobacco as if he were a farmer growing up instead of a Penthouse kid who was the sun of a famous racist Senator, Al Senior.

My wife worked for the Hsi Lei Temple in Hacienda Heights.

Gore illegally solicited funds from monks there and much of the money was found to come form Red China. It is no surprise they would favor him.



Gore made phone calls soliciting campaign contributions from his White House office. As Charles Krauthammer wrote at the time, “Section 607 of Title 18 of the U.S. Criminal Code states very clearly there is to be no solicitation of campaign funds in federal government offices. Gore broke the law as written, as understood and as practiced.” Violations of Section 607 called for a penalty of up to three years in prison.

Gore had no real defense, so he trotted out a phony one: There was, he infamously claimed, “no controlling legal authority.” What he meant was that there weren’t many court decisions interpreting the meaning of Section 607.

I could go on and on. People like Pegminer will adore Gore because he is a leftists and doesn't like to be bothered with facts. They turn their eyes when their candidate molest any woman or intern they can get their hands on as they say Republicans have a war on women. Gore was was a nothing Vice President. Like his father, he learned to use the government to help him make a half billion dollars on a scam. He emits more CO2 than a hundred people and you whine about the hypocrisy of an Exxon Mobile CEO?

And what is Anti-Climate Changers main issue with him?

Just wondering.

Al Gore.

He is a walking debunk.

Al Gore is the loon and the king of Low information voters .

Just wondering what you think an "anti-climate changer" is.

Could you add in a link or two?

Even in this magnificent pool of ignorant copy-pastes, some interesting questions emerge, but obscurity is not a cutting edge killer app here. Please clarify.

Here is all you need to know about Al Gore and his connections with the Illuminati bloodlines and especially the Rothschild's. PLEASE READ ALL, AS I EXPOSE THIS SCUM AND HIT THE NAIL ON THE HEAD FOR YOU. Also your legitimate source comment/raving loon is ridiculous. You could literally take 30 minutes of time and do some actual research instead of sitting on the couch watching Wheel of Fortune and just assuming everything your favorite media outlet tells you is truth. If you did that you would to expose this guy as a fraud who is just in it for money. Please read, thank you.

Gore is a Rothschild asset. He attended Vanderbilt university with a grant from the Rockefeller foundation, the Rockefeller foundation is a vehicle that funds the conspiracy I talk about with out paying tax is was established by JD Rockefeller(rothschild) for this very purpose. Al Gore's daughter is married into the Schiff banking family(same with GW Bush's daughter) The Schiffs are also directly connected to the Rothschild's from Kuhn Loeb and Co. Al Gore gets great support from his lies about global warming from the Environmentalist David Mayer de Rothschild, who wrote a book geared towards children about how to survive the devastation of Global Warming which toots the horn of Al Gore's movie An Inconvenient Truth. This book written by Rothschild is called "The Live Earth Global Warming Survival Handbook: 77 essential skills to Stop Climate Change-or Live through it". Al Gore is the former Vice President to Bill Clinton(corrupt to the core regime). He became the face of Global Warming after his 2006 paramount film "An Inconvenient Truth" became the third most successful documentary of all time in American box office history. This movie, of course, won the Oscar for best documentary that is because the same Illuminati bloodlines control Hollywood and they made sure this happened. His book, with the same name, reached number one on the NY Times best sellers list and he won, again so predictably, the Nobel Peace Prize for his tissue of lies and laughable exaggeration of his version of AGW. The Nobel Peace prize has nothing to do with peace, let me tell you, it has been given to Criminals such as Obama and the evil Henry Kissinger, who supports peace by supporting genocide in Israel....peace prize, what a joke.

Al Gore has made a fortune out of his propaganda train by launching a company in London in 2004 with Goldman Sachs puppet David Blood. If you can not connect Goldman Sachs to the Rothschild's and Illuminati your blind and stupid. Their company is called GIM(generation investment Management) this business is aimed specifically at exploiting the financial opportunities of AGW, such as selling carbon offsets and trading(cap+trade). He has made tens of millions of Dollars already selling the lie of AGW(more beachfront property). The cap+trade system, so loved by Obama, and extremely profitable for Al Gore, Will cost you and I thousands per year when you add all the consequences of it while Al Gore and friends become Billionaires.

So much more to research but this sums it up perfectly. It is obvious AGW is about furthering an agenda to create an one world government of fascism. They train and use puppets like Al Gore to spread the lies and pay them off with financial control of the money end of the conspiracy. Al Gore is in it for the wealth while the Rothschild's and Rockefeller's of the world, many other Illuminati bloodlines, are in it for the control. Wake up, Al Gore is a total fraud and scumbag.

Well on this site, every time one of his wrong statements is mentioned, we get told that he is not a climate scientist and his wrong predictions are irrelevant.

You have to understand that conservatives hated him even before the global warming issue came to the forefront. Look at Jeff Engr's answer--he starts off by calling him an idiot, even though he himself either lied about a paper or misread it so badly that he had NO idea what the paper was saying. Then he goes on to say that Gore's movie "has been debunked in so many ways by so many people..." , the only problem being that most of these people that have "debunked" it are liars and scientifically illiterate.

At the end of his answer he proves himself a bigot and misogynist.

Conservative hate Al Gore, but don't expect them to be rational or even honest about their reasons.

EDIT for jim z: What makes you think I "adore" Gore? I'm pretty sure I've mentioned in here before that I NEVER voted for him for any office, haven't read any of his books and didn't really care for his movie, which was too much about Al Gore. I do think that he got most of the science right in the movie, even if it was a bit one-sided. Most of the comments in here haven't "debunked" anything of his connected with AGW, people are much happier to cast aspersion on his character than correct his scientific errors.