> What are the evidences that Humans cause global warming?

What are the evidences that Humans cause global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I need a scientific explanation for my assessment.

Thank you.

none what so ever

There's a few:

1. We've observed the concentration of CO2 increasing in our atmosphere. If we look at pre-industrial levels of CO2 (by looking at bubbles trapped in ice, for example) we can use that as a baseline. We can then estimate the increase in CO2 that would result from us burning fossil fuels. We find that we can match the increase we've observed by including the amount we're producing. No other source can account, as yet, for the CO2 rise.

2. If it isn't humans, then something else must be causing the CO2 rise and temperature increase. We have not yet discovered another cause. This does not prove that humans are responsible, but it strongly suggests we are if nothing else fits the data.

3. There are different isotopes of carbon. Some, like C-14, are radioactive. Since fossil fuels are buried underground for millions of years, that means a lot of the C-14 has decayed into stable carbon. So, if we burn fossil fuels and release CO2, the carbon in the CO2 will have a reduced percentage of radioactive isotopes. Plants absorb CO2. So if we look at the ratio of radioactive to stable carbon in modern plants we can see that the CO2 they've absorbed has more stable carbon than it should. By looking around the world we can get an idea of the concentration of fossil-fuel related carbon necessary to cause this. And the results are that most of the increase in CO2 is due to us burning fossil fuels, which is then absorbed by plants, which we can then measure.

The National Academy of Sciences has put together a nice little pamphlet that you can download here. Part I covers "Evidence for Human-Caused Climate Change"


You can also use that page to get to their "Lines of Evidence" video series.

The NAS is the academy of top scientists in America. Every member is a leader in research is their field. The NAS exists to provide the nation with real scientific answers regarding advancing science of the day. It is the most credible source for science explanation in the world.

The Royal Society, the national science academy in the UK, published a guide a few years ago that explained what scientists know and what is still uncertain, but that guide is less explanatory in terms of providing less explanation of the evidence.


Accelerated melting of glaciers around the globe in the last 10 yrs vs the prior 100 yrs.

There is a vid presentation made by James Bilog - "Chasing Ice". You may need to do your own research to find the video in its entirity.

ZIP --- there is NO evidence that humans have caused the warming.

See what TOP scientists have to say about it here:

The Great Global Warming Swindle

There isn't any

I need a scientific explanation for my assessment.

Thank you.