> WHAT DO YOU THINK???( global warming)?

WHAT DO YOU THINK???( global warming)?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
You GO Latrice... You GO girl... Are we or are we not emerging from an Ice age? If in fact we are then we could assume we would experience warming, am I getting ahead of you here?. They taught us about our past ice age back in grade school, before electricity (or was it Independence?). If in fact we are emerging from an ice age that means (ignoring for the moment all the armloads of scientific printouts and gigabytes of Datasets) we are in fact warming and have been for several thousand years deviations in the climate history charts due to Sunspots and solar flares notwithstanding. We even had the "Little Ice age" due to thermohaline ocean current anomalies in the 1300-1700 era, a natural function of desalinization due to glacial melting due to natural "warming," The Vostok Co2 ice core analyses and subsequent Tschumi-Stauffer climate studies show clearly we have cold hot cycles and their accompanying Co2 variations on 100,000 year intervals. Milankovich elliptical orbit effects are causing these Hot/Cold cycles. The integration of sunspot and solar flare contribution to climate change just adds more humps and bumps to the graphs and more snakes to the prediction barrel. Providing a climate OVERVIEW reaching back over 6 millions of years tells the real story, but we are now faced with arguments based on data going back less than 50,000 years, the Gore fraud, obscuring the long term picture exposed by old accepted scientific climate history methods. How can man have such a profound effect on the climate in only the past 300 years when normal climate cycles established 6 Million years ago are proceeding as scientifically predicted, the projected temperatures and Co2 values in the mean. That man may be contributing to this climate change is obvious, but the EXTENT to which he is contributing is most assuredly in question. No one to date has been able to address that issue with any degree of Certainty, just a lot of unfounded opinion and fear mongering. Several scientific sources sets the percentage of mans contribution to global greenhouse gas at less than 3%, casting some pretty serious doubts that any changes we make in our energy usage will cause any major change in existing Climate conditions, at least in the foreseeable future.

I did a paper on this recently and the research I did really changed my mind.

I do not think it is a curse from god. It is just something that happens in a normal cycle of our earth. The geologic records show that the earth has been freezing and warming for a very very long time.

The Great Lakes of America were icebergs just about 10,000 years ago. The glaciers cut through the surface and gouged out the lakes. Then the earth warmed. No big deal.

Problem is we are speeding it up this time. Our pollutants are making it happen faster and we will all pay a big price for the effects.

Also no matter how much we in America may want to blame ourselves or recycle or whatever, we will not be able to make up for the greenhouse gasses that China and central america and other third world countries will pump out. Not even close.

Best thing to do is not get a home near the coast. Cities like New Orleans and New York are going to flood. The federal government is going to tire of bailing them out and they will have to let cities that are in the way of flooding fall away. The government just does not have enough money to protect and rebuild. The oceans are rising, and we will soon hit a tipping point at which time it will happen even faster.

So, the only curse from god is that we humans reap what we sow. We may already be in a natural warming cycle of the earth, but we are speeding it up. No mystery. No curse. Just natural forces.

I think global warming do exist, because a lot of people in the world pollutes. And cows also produce methane and goes to the atmosphere

It's not a curse from god, we just caused it on ourselves, the extra co2 acts like the glass in windows of a car. They let light in which transforms into heat but doesn't let the heat out. Like during the summer you get in your car and it is HOT. Same thing but on a global scale

Not a curse of God, it is a curse of human kind from all the CO2 and other greenhouse gases we have added to the atmosphere. It is very real and is scientifically proven beyond doubt, You can deny it but you can't change reality

There is no such thing as AGW. Our Creator has set in motion laws which control the temperature and man is not powerful enough to override them. His laws have worked so far. And they are far cheaper than all this AGW hullabaloo.

Quote by John Takeuchi, meteorologist: “The atmosphere has periodic warming and cooling cycles. The sun is the primary source of energy impacting the earth's surface. That energy heats the land and the seas, which then warm the air above them. Water vapor and other gases in the atmosphere also affect temperature....Oceans are the main repository for CO2. They release CO2 as their temperature rises - just like your beer. This strongly suggests that warming oceans - heated by the sun - are a major contributor to CO2 in the atmosphere.”

In other words, what you see is normal.

It's real all the harmful greenhouse gases from factories and smoking pollutes the air and causes the earth's temperature to rise.It's all caused by Man

Well it's not a very effective curse as the slight warming trend finished 16 years ago.

It's not a curse, it's a mistake, even James E hanson of NASA has admitted that earth's temperatures in the last 16 years have not really increased at all, and nowhere near all AGW predictions, if climate change is driven by solar output not Co2 (as I believe) we are in for a cold time in the next decade.

Solar cycle 24 was a wimp.

So everyone thinks that global warming does exist. I don't believe it and I think that its some curse from God. What do you think about that? who against? , any believers?

I would like any of what you think.