> There is no Global Warming......We are getting pulled closer to the sun?

There is no Global Warming......We are getting pulled closer to the sun?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Once again, lets make this clear. Only people who are scientific dunces deny global warming. Deniers are poorly educated and that is why they make such silly claims as this "question". People who understand astronomy and physics do not deny climate change.

The earth is not being pulled closer to the sun.

The cause of global warming is not related to the sun. We can test for this. Were we closer, or the sun hotter, the stratosphere would warm more than the troposphere and days would warm more than nights. But in fact, the stratosphere is cooling as the troposphere warms and nights are warming more than days. This tells us clearly that the warming is due to the greenhouse effect, that heat reflected from the earth's surface is taking longer to escape to space.

Of course we are getting pulled into the sun, that's how gravity works. We are endlessly falling toward the sun yet our horizontal speed is so great we miss it; that's basically the definition of orbiting.

P.S. Climate change is a part of Earth's natural process and is very real. The debate now is how much we as a species influence it.

In 1 billion years the Sun will start growing toward Earth .

Astronomers and NASA know the orbit of Earth very exactly, and it is not getting closer to the Sun.

I told you for a long time now, Global Warming sucks.

We are in miserable state of our life due to global warming.

That's not a question. It's a rant. And deserves to be reported and removed.

To bad there aren't thumbs down on questions.

Actually the Earth is moving away from the sun by one micromilimeter per year

