> The difference between weather and climate?

The difference between weather and climate?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
weather is right then and there, rainy or sunny or windy.

climate is the how the temperature and weather usually is around the area, i don't know the exact terms but it's used to describe how the weather is in general in an area.

Weather is effected by short term cyclical phenomenon, including the Jet Stream, the time of day, the seasons, ENSO and the Sunspot Cycle. Climate is longer term trends, 30 years or more.


Climate of an area is calculated over a 30 year period buyt weather is what we live through every day, week month

Whether weather is climate or whether it’s not,

depends on whether it’s cold or it’s hot.

If it’s cold it’s just weather, whether or not

it’s cold all the time and never gets hot.

If it’s hot it’s the climate, whether or not

it was cold yesterday, and just now it got hot.

So, weather is climate whenever it’s hot,

but climate is weather whenever it’s not.

Weather is the snapshot.

Climate is the movie.

Weather is different from climate UNLESS an alarmist says weather is climate.

Coldest winter ever in Europe.

Alarmist: "You idiot. That's weather NOT climate."

Hurricane Sandy

Alarmist:: "This proves Climate Change is real. We NEVER had hurricanes before."