> Should we must stop global warming? why? i need reason from your.?

Should we must stop global warming? why? i need reason from your.?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
i want presentation with this topic. so i need your help for answer my question...

sorry if my english bad :)

We need to stop global warming, so we can grow less crops, have a less green planet, have more deserts and ice sheets so there will be less places to live, stop global warming so we can have more hurricanes and extreme weather like we use to have decades ago.

Stop global warming so we can have more taxes, a failing economy, less jobs and more governmental control.

We need to stop global warming, raise energy prices, so that more old people who cannot afford to heat their homes in winter die.

The Earth has three stable climates, the most stable is snowball Earth, where there is no open water, even the equator is covered in ice, nothing can bring Earth out of this climate short of a cataclysmic event such as volcanism. The second most stable state is the warm Earth where there is no surface ice, not even at the poles, indeed Antarctica would be what we would now consider tropic in terms of plant life. Mass extinctions tend to occur during these periods. The least stable of the three is the ice age where parts of the Earth are always covered with ice, this is where we are now, biodiversity thrives in this state as the temperature differences establishes thermoclines that distribute heat, oxygen and nutrients through the oceans but it is the least stable of the three. Global warming is much like a large round rock is on top of a hill, a stable point but only barely, Man's influence on Global Warming is like barely leaning on the rock such that it starts to roll towards the stable state at the bottom of the hill. Even if we stop leaning, the rock will keep rolling, it would take a lot of effort to stop it from rolling and put it back on top of the hill. Hence there's the question, could we even stop global warming? Just cutting out our contribution would be like an arsonist putting out his match after lighting the fire.

To quote the Native American scout Tonto as he and the Lone Ranger were surrounded by angry Apache warriors, "What you mean "WE" white man?" When you ask the question you use "we." WE have been pushing emission control on everything from big industry and automobiles to dairy farms. WE have been cutting our own throats to limit our emissions while corporations have been sending high emission manufacturing jobs overseas. Central Europe and China have no controls over their emissions, there are days you can't see the end of the street because of the smog and they are bringing in as much work as they can find convict labor to do. We? What do you want "us" to do? Fat greedy barons of business get fatter every day and there is no way they are going to disconnect any cars from their gravy train.

The only action of importance on this matter would be to stop all volcanoes from erupting. The Iceland caper of volcanic eruptions sent more CO2 into the atmosphere than ALL of industrialized nations have produced in the last 50 years. And that is only one volcano.

Humans are so arrogant.

The mile thick mass of brownish pollution that overlies China and India, as seen by satellite, Is from 1.5 billion people in each area burning cow pies to heat their huts and cook their food. Let's see, what can be done for that?

And yet there is no significant increase in CO2 in the world.

. So much for "Global Warming" huh, Mr. Gore?????

Worst ice storms in Ohio - 15 years

Major Record Setting Freezes in Mich, Minn, Mont, - Mr. Gore

What's next? "The Sky is Falling"?

No. We cannot stop climate change. It is a natural cyclic process that has occurred for billions of years in the past and will occur for billions of years in the future.

This page might help you: http://www.skepticalscience.com/global-w...

It's a nice list of the positive and negative (mostly negative) effects of global warming.

Some sources for more information:








because it is affecting weather,temperature ,climate.the effects are ecological.i just know about one major reason of global warming..and that is this war on terror in the whole world..nuclear energy is causing global warming.there are bomb blasts and drone attacks is another reason for global warming.

Only because Al Gore needs the money.

No. The Earth's climate is doing quite well.....nothing out of the ordinary is going on with it.

i want presentation with this topic. so i need your help for answer my question...

sorry if my english bad :)

It's stopped already.
