> Need help about climate change questions?

Need help about climate change questions?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
1.) Global warming is a natural function of the earth. Greenhouse gasses have little or no effect.

2.) What kind of climate change. Define Climate Change.

3.) Define Climate Change.

4.) Again define Climate Change.

5.) Why should we? There is no correlation between temperature and CO2 level.

By far and away the largest greenhouse gas is water vapor, Co2 comes in at a very poor second.

Climate change depending where and how, will damage some crops and increase others (depending on rainfall sunshine etc) (no significant temp rise in the last 16yrs)

Differences in ocean temperatures cause differences in evaporation which in some cases will fuel storms in others droughts, changing ocean currents (gulf stream etc) could cause a mini ice age in higher latitudes and heating in equatorial regions.

Supposedly ice caps will melt raising sea levels (it's not happening)

Cease to exist, then you wont breath, use fossil fuels etc ( sorry that's flippant but you get the idea)

1) The top two are water vapor and CO2. These gasses (and others) capture some of the energy that the Earth is radiating and keep it in the ecosphere, causing a temperature elevated from what would normally been seen without them. Without this effect, the Earth would be about 60 degrees F cooler.

2) Some places now too cold to grow most crops will be able to grow them as the global temperatures rises. However, the places we now grow most of the food supply will be either too dry, or will be under water from rising ocean levels.

3) Storms are caused by energy. The warmer the planet, the more energy there is for the storms.

4) Shorelines will move inland as the ocean levels increase from both glacial melting and thermal expansion of the water.

5) Stop breathing. Ha! Just kidding! Almost all of the energy we use is from the burning of fossil fuels. The main products from the burning is H2O and CO2, both greenhouse gases. To reduce output of CO2 simply use less energy.

I am thinking that you will do a lot better to post each of those separately into a Google search. People on this site are generally not the best or balanced source for the information you need. Just sayin'. Half of what you see here is people posting quickly for points. They may or may not know what they are talking about.

You surely have a broad range of questions and you'll probably have to do quite a bit of research to answer them all.. I put a link below to an article I just posted about greenhouse gases and you may find most of the other topics by putting a keyword in the search box on the website. You can also search for the topics using a search engine and most of them are also covered on Wikipedia.

difficult aspect. look into on google. that will help!

I just need these answered. I don't get some of them, and it's important that I answer them.... but I don't know how to.

But, here are the questions:

1) Describe the major greenhouse gases (there's 2 that I have to write) and how they cause global warming.

2) How will climate change affect crops?

3) How does climate change cause severe weather?

4) How will climate change affect the shorelines in oceans?

5) What steps can an individual take to reduce CO2?