> Is the anti global warming side the losing side because CO2 emission rate will rise year after year?

Is the anti global warming side the losing side because CO2 emission rate will rise year after year?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
No, they would be the winning side, in that with all that extra Co2 and little in the way of temperature increase, the 'global warming side' becomes exposed as overstating their case.

Atmospheric temperatures have risen only slightly because the heat energy has gone to melt ice and warm sea water. Once the ice is gone and thermal expansion increases the volume of our planetary water index a good part of North America will once again experience vast shallow seas covering most of the continent. The situation has occurred dozens of times in the past, though not for the current reason... there are many factors that can cause 'global warming'. A massive increase in atmospheric CO2 is only one of them.

"You know the story. Humans are burning fossil fuels and because of their actions, the world is now warming at an unprecedented pace. This warming is stressing ecosystems throughout the world with devastating consequences to vegetation from one end of the earth to the other. If we do not act fast, we will destroy the planet and have a tough time facing our grandchildren. We can all hear it now―why didn’t you do something when there was still time to save the Earth?"

This is more of an opinion, some would say that the anti global warming are correct now because the temp has not risen, and that most now say climate change instead of global warming, which is in effect saying that many do not know the actual effects we are having, but that we are having an effect.

Straw man argument.

Actually, the continuing rise of CO2 supports, rather than invalidates, the skeptics' case. Given that continuing rise in CO2, we would, by AGW theory, see a corresponding rise in average global temperatures. There is not. Thus, the AGW hypothesis is invalidated.

The opposite. the rising CO2 emission rate year after year without temperatures rising proves conclusively that the AGW theory is wrong.

Zippi62 you should add (sarc) to your answer, so many people believe exactly as you said, and have no concept of reality.

You're apparently unaware that you're asking about 2 completely different things.

CO2 levels continue to rise unabated & will no doubt continue to do so into the foreseeable future.


Global warming however has failed to follow suit & there has been no significant global temperature rise for the past 15 or so years.

The news calls this a global warming pause or plateau. The IPCC calls it "no trend"



The anti-global warming side is the losing side because the temperature will continue stubbornly refuse to follow the Sun rather than carbon dioxide.

I am against global warming, not for myself, but because a lot o people (and infrastructure) will have to be moved when sea levels rise. To me it seems more cost effective to reduce greenhouse gases then to have people migrate from area's that will be flooded.

This denial of the science by industry is nothing new, coal companies have paid millions of dollars to Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions (where Dr. Paul Wheeler works) over the last decade for medical opinions that have been used to deny hundreds of ailing mine workers meager black lung benefits. [1] Only the autopsies revealed that Dr. Paul Wheeler's "opinion" was wrong.

Among sane people there is no "anti-" or "pro-" "side" to whether the earth orbits the sun or is round.

If you really mean to ask is the effort to reduce the negative effects of global warming being lost because the effort so tiny compared to the annual greenhouse gas emissions (mostly CO2 mostly from using carbon fuels), the answer is yes, absolutely. Scores of future generations will damn the anti-science deniers of today for their 1000+ year damage to the global economy.











YES until it reaches the upper atmosphere in which separates into nothingness by nature so that the Sun's Ray's can continue to reach all surface's of earth so all green plants grow and create oxygen so all species from earth can survive. = environment. Mike

The losers will be the future generations that have to deal with what we leave them to clean up.I'm sure they will look back at those who refused to act on the scientific information they were given and call them losers.

Actually, the Hippies/opportunists who follow the CAGW religion are a small minority. The Liberal media has pushed to make people believe that the CAGW parishoners are more numerous than they actually are.

They lost before they started with the skeptic machine being initially based on lies, then pay offs to think tanks and individual deniers, culminating with lame minded people picking up the ball and limping with it.