> Is not having children the best possible thing you can do to avoid global warming?

Is not having children the best possible thing you can do to avoid global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
There is no man-made Global Warming.

Top climate scientists say there is no man-made Global Warming.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

What's this got to do with it? Global warming is a natural phenomenon.

What made you think that was the remedy of globalization? Globalization is inevitable! If you do not have your children, that won't be an impact to the world's economy! Have your children!

Your parents should have thought of such.

This is endless, I only hope you have the basic skill sets to know deception.

Most questions in this type of category are vague and deceptive.


No, though overpopulation isn't exactly helping.

If there were, say, 1 million humans on the planet, we could live as we do in the US without any perceptible global warming. On the other hand, even with Earth's present population, we could reduce our CO2 emissions to near-zero by switching from fossil fuels to *existing* non-fossil-fuel energy sources, much less better ones we may develop in the future.

Aren't you glad your parents didn't think that way?

Population has nothing to do with Earth's temperature. For over a decade the earth has cooled, yet the population has increased.

So the scientific conclusion must be that population has nothing to do with population. Aren't you glad to have that guilt off of your shoulders?

No. Unless we were willing to start mass extermination, not having babies and waiting for the population to get old, and still burning coal and driving SUVs, would mean that it would take 50 years for emissions to drop by any signicant extent. Using clean energy, such as solar, wind and nuclear power, we could reduce carbon dioxide emissions to zero in that time frame.

Yes! All proponants of AGW should actively practice this!

Yes....but only if the would-be parents are liberals.:)

No,it is not the solution for global warming.For it we have to reduce the smoke of factories and industries.They should be established far away from town areas.

By all means, please do not have children...has nothing to do with global warming..but please for humanity.

BTW - You sound like you smell like pee.

1. Humans ARE creating a warmer climate, scientist (not politicians with special interests=oil) ALL agree on this.

2. We consume-therefore we create methane (a potent greenhouse gas, 4xs powerful than carbon)

we consume far more beef cattle than our ancestors did. cattle are on the top of the list as contributors increasing methane gas. There is methane trapped in ancient ice. The glacier ice is melting all at once.

3. We consume-therefore we throw AWAY. but there is NO AWAY. we are in a closed globe. methane is produced in modern landfills bc in order for items to break down properly, they need air. modern landfills lack AIR.

You can avoid having children, but if you choose to have them

teach them to....

1. refuse what you don't need (extra *jeans/junk mail/road trips for fun of it)

2. reduce what you consume. (incorporate meatless Monday into your life and see how you can prepare meals without meat)

3.reuse what you do have already.

4.compost on site (trucking your waste pollutes water and air)

5. last-recycle-it still takes gas to get the product/gas to truck it away/energy to make that item into a downcycled item. most recycled materials degrade over time and do end up as trash)

*to make ONE pair of jeans takes around 2,000 gallons of water just to grow the one pair of jeans, and much, MUCH more to make the jeans!! best to hit a consignment shop and reuse!
