> Is global warming that big of a deal?

Is global warming that big of a deal?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
In relation to rising sea levels, I mean. When ice melts in a cup, the water level doesn't rise because of displacement. Would it not be the same in our oceans? No?

The difference is that on the planet Earth considerable volumes/mass of ice is stored on land. Remember Antarctica is a continent not purely ice.

Edit: remember hotter temperatures will also "expand" the water. So sea level rise is not only due to ice melt.

Not exactly. At 4 degrees celsius water is at its most dense. Any increase in temps above that would have the water expanding in size. This is thermal expansion. Also, while you are correct that ice not held up by land would not increase the sea levels by melting, the ice on land that melts would.

That being said, the seas are rising by 3 mm/year. The seas have been rising since the last ice age by 1-2 mm/year. This is a slow sea rise. and will not cause major problems. The problems it could cause is the eventual mvoing of cities near the sea, which could be expensive in costs.

Much of what goes out through the media paints some catastrophe. That is simply not true.

Let me give you an example. Some of the assinine crap of the world flooding accounts for Antartica being ice free. The mean annual temperature of the interior of Antartica is -57 degrees celsius. Using the WORST absurdly stupid, never going to happen case that some warmer dreamt up while on acid, only has a 10 degree celsius increase. Last time I checked, ice does not melt at -47 degrees.


And I love when idiots use the tree ring data to justify global warming which assumes more warming equals more tree growth, and then have the audacity to pretend that warming will cause problems with crop production. If you want to claim that much melting will occur, I am curious what you are smoking.

Sea water as any other water expands when heated. If you melt X amount of ice it will take up about 1/10 the volume of the ice. If you melt all the floating ice it won't raise the sea level, but as it warms it WILL expand. Melted land ice WILL raise sea levels plus it will also expand. A 2% expansion of the oceans will put most coastal cities if not under water, at least they'll be subjected to serious flooding at high tides during storms. That's serious trouble.

First off I'm not gonna treat you like a five year old. I can a lot of people are gonna reply to this saying things to you cause they think they're smart and up their own *** about things like this. From a perspective yes an ice cap is kind of a much larger scale of an ice cube in water. However their are multiple factors.

First off, there are entire mountains of ice sitting on top of the water. Thats like putting about ten blocks of ice in that water cup and, oh buy, I'm pretty sure the water will just rise to the top. Then when the ice melts the water level would still rise.

Secondly, when the ice caps melt the Solid that is stationary and it's particles packed tightly into chunks, would turn into a liquid that would join the rest of the ocean and have to fill its surroundings. This means that all that water, or the particles inside the ice would have to fill other places within the ocean. Get enough ice melting and the particles start to have to sit on top of each other, which would eventually cause the sea level to rise because you have so much melted ice turning into water and having to fill its surroundings.

Hope this helps you. :-)

No. It's natural considering that we are still recovering from the Little Ice Age. We haven't even broke even with the warmest times during the prosperous medieval warm period yet.

As for the ice the vast majority of surface ice sits on a land mass so melting would raise the level of the seas. However such an even is not unprecedented. The Eocene epoch 65 million years ago was a time when there were no polar ice caps and the sea levels were at its highest points. Also CO2 in the air was 1000+ parts per million yet life on earth during this time thrived on every corner of the globe. Antarctica was a lush densely populated rain forest.

Funny how CO2 has been rising for a century but the last 17 years there was no warming trend despite the rise in CO2 at the same time. Global warming is real. So is global cooling. AGW is a myth. AGW cultists want us to think that the ice is going to melt fast and cause the oceans to rise in a few decades. The earth would have to somehow move a couple dozen million miles closer to the sun for that to happen. Any significant ice melt to cause a dramatic rise in sea levels would take 1000s of years. The notion that sea levels will rise by 6 to 7 feet in 90 years is hysterically amusing.

Just to re-enforce existing answers: floating ice that melts does not raise sea levels very much. Ice that is on land which melts, and its water flows into the oceans, raise sea levels by quite a bit. Also, as water warms it expands, which also raises sea levels ("thermal expansion").


However it's also worth nothing that ice is pretty much all freshwater, which is less dense than saltwater. So when freshwater ice melts, it creates freshwater, which has a larger volume than saltwater per unit mass, which does have the effect of raising sea levels slightly.



And I love idiots like James talking about 65 million years ago when sea levels were much higher and "life on earth during this time thrived." I wonder what Miami, Shanghai, S?o Paulo, New York, Mumbai, etc etc would look like with such high sea levels? Yes, "life would thrive"...and what would the economic impacts be on modern human civilization?

The water level does rise if ice melts in a cup but the liquid water spreads out more. For your lifetime it probably does not unless you live on the coast.

When ice in water melts the water level doesn't rise because of displacement. Very good.

The ice that covers land does end up in the ocean when it melts and water expands when it warms over 3.98 °C (39.16 °F).

Global Warming ended in 2012 confirmed by our Satelite reports 11/28/2012. A Nomad Opec oil Leader is paying Countries up to $10 Billion a year to pour hundreds of Millions of tons of dry land sand into saltwater to make the sea levels rise in all coastal countries. Mike

Your example is true.

But Warmists say it's the land ice that would raise ocean levels. But of course this is not happening because the world is actually cooling --- not warming.

It's been cooling for at least 12 years.


Top climate scientists say there is no man-made Global Warming.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

In relation to rising sea levels, I mean. When ice melts in a cup, the water level doesn't rise because of displacement. Would it not be the same in our oceans? No?

With all this snow i would think a ice age would be more likely!! LOL