> Is global warming a myth?

Is global warming a myth?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
The REAL question is; "Is Climate Change caused by Man".

That's the crux of the whole thing. Yes, the globe warmed / the climate changed/ whatever. There was an ice age, the ice is gone now. Man wasn't even around then. So, where is the proof that man is causing any changes now?

A few years ago, an e-mail thread was uncovered where "scientists" were discussing how real data did not support their theories of man caused global warming. Basically, the activities of man that supposedly caused global warming were increasing but there is no evidence that the warming is taking place as predicted. So, they were going to fudge the data to make it all support their theories. That's not science and it's not believable.

Global warming is as real as werewolves and vampires

Absolutely not. Global warming is happening


And we are causing it


The ten warmest years in the instrumental record are 2010, 2005, 2009, 2007, 2002, 1998, 2006, 2003, 2013 and 2012.


You decide.

It depends on when you start taking results from. If you just look at the last 17 years then there has been no warming. If you look at the last 35 years there has. In fact, you can go all the way back to the 1700's and it has warmed since. However, if you go back even further it has cooled. If you start in the medieval period then it is cooler now than it was then.

It would seem that some people are looking at the last uptick on the attached graph and claiming global warming. The bigger picture does not entirely support that, in my view.

Global warming is not a myth. Man is placing CO2 into the atmosphere. CO2 is a greenhouse gas and will certianly cause warming. We should probably reduce our CO2 output. What is NOT occurring, however, is the end of the world. temps have raised by 0.8 degrees of the last 100 years and the oceans are now rising at 3 mm per year instead of the 1-2 mm per year since the last ice age. While these numbers of concerning, they are not scary and they are not going to lead to sme imaginary tipping point, nor to runaway global warming.

Fact is that the earth climate is VERY stable as evidenced by the fact that evolution occurs over the period of millions of years. Stable environments do not go to runaway global warming by changing the make-up of the atmosphere by 0.01% (the amount of CO2 change in the atmosphere, 300 to 400 ppm represents 0.01% of the atmosphere). So we need to work towards intelligent changes, not fear-motivated panic.


Global warming does not cause a hole in the ozone layer. Neither do greenhouse causes cause ozone depletion. These two topic are unrelated. CFC were though to be part of the cause of the thinning of the ozone layer. CFCs are not even greenhouse gasses.

CO2 has been in the atmosphere in FAR greater concentration than the current 400 ppm, we are currently seeing and there was still an ozone layer back then.


I agree that the correlation is weak, but not non-existent. It stands to reason that CO2 is a GHG and will cause soem warming. The amount is extremely debatable though. Same with "man-made" climate change. The climate is a chaotic system and is influenced by everything.

To claim no change at all and no warming at all, is not very supportable. Genrally to claim no change at all caused by man, you would have to show that the atmosphere is saturated with CO2 with respect to the wavelenghts that CO2 is able to capture. I have yet to see evidence of this saturation.

Otherwise, I do not agree with being taxed. I agree with a well-thoughtout move from non-renewable resources though. I think this is justifiable based upon the resources being non-renewable, without consideration of the climate. I think we should move towards nuclear power.

It's MAN-MADE Global Warming that is a myth. There was in fact a little natural warming over the last couple of decades, but it was not caused by human activity.

And now it's been cooling for at least 12 years.


Top climate scientists say there is no man-made Global Warming.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

@raisincaine we dont have to prove no correlation to avoid being taxed to death. It is the other way around. I agree co2 is a ghg but there are so many other more important factors and the fact that we are in temperature and co2 ranges of past values puts no worry to my heart. With the rising carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, we have had variations in temperature of the earth. Temperature has risen 8/10 of a degree celsius in the past 150 yrs. Temperature decreased for 30 or so years in that time frame. Not only that, but since the last ice age there have been times when the earth was warmer than it is now. At those times there was no " fossil fuel consumption" and atmospheric co2 levels were lower than today. 500 million yrs ago co2 levels were around 20 times that of today and 100 million years ago they were 4-5 times todays value. You must go beyond a mere correlation to prove cause and effect. They havent even got a dependent variable.

That is the line many deniers try to push of course the same denier also push "it's the Sun" or "it's volcanoes" or "it's cosmic rays"

The original denier mime (over a decade ago) was "it's a myth" they have had to shift away from that because the changes happening they simply can't explain away.

Today they seem to favor the line "it's happening, but it's 'natural' cycles" what those 'natural cycles' are they never quite make clear.

What science has shown is that it is certainly not volcanoes,


or the Sun


or Cosmic Ray or to any great extent clouds. Science does not play at myths they work on evidence and all the evidence shows the world has warmed over the last century and that that is primarily down to increased CO2 and that we are the cause of that increase in CO2. It started to rise not long after the industrial revolution started and has risen ever since, it is now at a level not seen in 800,000 years and will soon be at a level not seen in millions of years.

Some of the excuse denier have tried to use over the years including the Sun and Volcanoes are covered here.


While deniers pretend they are putting up science, the fact is they have no support at all in the scientific community, ask any denier to post just one scientific site that supports their nonsense, last time I asked denier to do this one of them tried to pretend Heartland Institute was a scientific site, that is a fine example of just how far gone deniers are. This is of course why if you look back through their sites you see the same few names repeat and repeat Soon and Lindzen, with just as many none scientists like Mockingtone and Watts.

It's quite telling that they 'claim' the support of thousands of climate scientists yet put a petition to the President that had in the top ten spots just one climate scientist Lindzen' again surround with people who where engineers and Doctors and even a specialist in the wild dogs of Africa, wow

I would say if you want to see a giant (and out of control) myth look at the denier arguments the more you look, the the sillier they get, they don't even bother to check if their own theories and conspiracies conflict with each other

One minutes it all Al Gore, then it's governments, then it's greens then it's communists then it's scientists or out at the edges the Rockefeller's and Illuminati and lizard men from space.

The rather obvious thing happening here is that denial has become a rallying point for every crackpot pushing his or her own pet theory or conspiracy and trying to attach it to AGW.

Which is why they always want to talk about politics, religion and conspiracies or through insults at Gore or Mann, because when it comes to the science deniers are way out of their depth.

These are just a few of the genuine science groups that support AGW






and these are the denier science sites


(edit, kind of maxx to make my point for me, Youtube videos in place of real science)

(2nd edit, on graphicconception's little graph, not quite sure what he thinks that proves, unless it's that he didn't actually look at what he was posting, it's an icecore record for Greenland that stops 95 years ago, so doesn't in fact even show the warming of the last 100 years, is this really what deniers think is evidence, hint try reading the date info along the bottom of your graph.

No, the Conservative Movement is

learn the facts:

Climate science will tell you it isn't a myth, but they are the ones with the billion dollar computer modeling capacity that they still can't get right :


" ... “Not one of our better forecasts,” admits Mike Halpert, the Climate Prediction Center’s acting director. The center grades itself on what it calls the Heidke skill score, which ranges from 100 (perfection) to -50 (monkeys throwing darts would have done better). October’s forecast for the three-month period of November through January came in at -22. Truth be told, the September prediction for October-December was slightly worse, at -23. ... "

You'd think that climate scientists would know what they are talking about when it comes to "knowing" through climate modeling and how much money we "give" them. LOL!


" ... NOAA’s Mike Halpert said that the winter isn’t likely to be too memorable or unusual, except in the South where drought should deepen in the Southwest and develop in the Southeast. ... "

" ... Private weather forecast companies also cited mixed and lack of signals in their forecasts, which ranged from warm to cold. ... "

No it is a reality and we have already see minor effects

No it is a fact. You can find lots of information on the subject if you Google "global warming facts".

No, even denialists admit that

It is a fact that pollution,greenhouses and other gases have heated up and made a hole in the ozone layer,hope i helped

such is the hoax of the 21st century.