> If the Greenland ice sheet melted, how expensive would it be?

If the Greenland ice sheet melted, how expensive would it be?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
That's an interesting question. It would cause about a 6.5 meter permanent rise in sea level. What did Hurricane Katrina cost, about $100 billion? It would probably be on the order of one hundred to one thousand times worse than that, so let's peg it at $10-100 trillion. It probably wouldn't be hard to make a more accurate estimate of direct effects, but the indirect costs would be much harder to figure.

Actually it would make money. There are lots of natural resources that we can't get to because they are too far under the ice. They detected lots of oil, gas and coal reserves, as well as lots of precious mineral reserves. Yes, Britain will get colder, but we've made quite a large claim to them as we found a lot of the reserves. So we'll be cold, but a lot more wealthy. :)

so much fresh water is entering the north atlantic that it is slowing the gulf stream current . this is bringing colder winters to england and northern europe .

I think ice caps melt for free.

IF the greenland ice shet melted it would flood areas like manhattan, china, india, florida, san francisco bay and would completely put the netherlands underwater. In total, (approximately) how much do you think it would cost? More or less than the hurricane and earthquake in japan in 2011? THANX SO MUCH!