> If Rajendra Pachauri did acknowledge a 17 year pause in Global Warming?

If Rajendra Pachauri did acknowledge a 17 year pause in Global Warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

Does that make him a denier like me?

I would say that it makes him a heathen denier too but he is probably just redrawing the line in the sand to try to regain a little credibility.

The article also says that the MET office made the same statement - which is a another lie.

If he "said" it, he would be wrong.

He cannot have "acknowledged" it because it is not true - and no one other than liars and idiots believes that it true. There has been no change in the forcing process; if there had been, we would be back around the pre-1998 long-tern mean - and not setting record highs like we have been.


edit --

>>Now it's "It is not a trend unless we say it's a trend".<<

It is trend if it has a mathematical definition. Whether it is a trend has nothing to do with floating Denier definitions which are meaningless because (1) they are stupid and (2) they are meaningless because they literally have no meaning.

No, he didn't say that.

There has been no pause in warming on the surface. 2014 looks to be the warmest year. Then 2010. Then 2005. That's a funny sort of pause.

The oceans continue to warm, rise and acidify.

And the globe is losing one trillion tonnes of ice per year, not withstanding the 2.5% gain in Antarctic sea ice.

The scientists are not lying.

All I see is a two sentence statement in an Australian News source. Care to provide a link to him actually stating that? Seems like you 'deniers' often take the El Nino of 1997/98 as the starting point for your statements. Perhaps you should learn that the ENSO cycle does have a real significant role in year to year temperature fluctuations.

After reading your edit I still don't see where he said there has been no global warming for 17 years. The article falsely states that many science bodies in the US and Britain have 'reluctantly' made that claim. Why do deniers consistently use the peak of the 1997/98 El Nino to make it's case? IF you wanted not to use that peak you could even take Sagebrush's claim that over the course of the past half a dozen years or so the planet has been cooling. At least then you'd be using the bottoming out of the La Nina instead of the Peak of the El Nino. And just think, you may even be able to continue doing that until the PDO switches to it's positive mode again!

Edit: As usual you are making unsubstantiated claims and hiding behind your word play. And yet you stated in the past in one of your posts that you routinely bring science to the table. Get your 'mother mother' to help you figure out what the word science means.

When I was in school (ages ago, I know) I remember we had to read newspaper articles and sort out what the journalist wrote and what were in fact quotes.

It appears that you slept through that lesson (assuming you even went to school).

Any piece of text which states 'Pachauri said' or something along those lines is not a quote! Is that really so hard to understand? Quotes use quote marks! The rest is interpretation by the author of the article, in this case Graham Lloyd, comparable to The Daily Mail's David Rose when it comes to getting it (completely) wrong. [1]

Well it is pretty obvious to anyone with common sense, that there has been a pause in the earths temperature rise, AGW fanatics are now the deniers they come up with all kinds of sh-t to try and disprove that. Pachauri is not the only one to admit it.

What fascinates me is what will happen if the earth starts cooling (I think it will, but I'm not a scientist) where will that put AGW and what will the fanatics say then "it's climate change caused by Co2 maybe" anyway I cant wait to find out.

I doubt that he did. But if he did, then it means that he has been reading that one article in the daily mail rather than listening to the scientists and paying attention to the temperature record.


That would make him a denier like you. But I very much doubt that he made such a claim.


Nonsensical question.

The greenies on this site would deny that he did.


Does that make him a denier like me?