> If Global Warming is damaging the earth then why has this winter been so much colder then normal?

If Global Warming is damaging the earth then why has this winter been so much colder then normal?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Wouldn't winters be getting warmer and warmer?

Hopefully you have your power and you can watch the Olympics. You'll see that it is very warm there. This winter has also be very warm and dry in California. Overall, globally, this has not been a cold winter. It has been in most of the U.S. because Arctic storms have swept far to the south -- and yes the Arctic is also very warm this winter as warmer air has move in.

The jet stream has slowed, and as it slows it becomes wavier and Arctic storms sweep further south more often. This has been happening each winter over the past 5 years or so. The jet stream is fueled by the difference in temperature between the Arctic and lower latitudes. The slowing of the jet stream can be explained by the warming and loss of ice in the arctic. There is growing acceptance that the changes to the jet stream and therefore the cold U.S. winters are a direct result of global warming. But then, we can't be sure; there could be natural explanations for the changes. We won't know for decades.


Not necessarily. Global warming is based on an average rise in the annual temperatures of places around the globe. The increases in average temperatures may be very slight, but they are well documented. So global warming doesn't mean you're going to have a warmer winter at all. Here's another link. If a glacier in the arctic is surrounded by an air mass at 32 F it remains stable. But if the same glacier is subjected to air at 32.1 F it melts. The melting releases water into the atmosphere and adds more water to the oceans. More water in the atmosphere, combined with more heat energy from global warming, is responsible, in my opinion for the dramatic increase in extreme weather events the world is experiencing, but not all such events are the result of warming. It's a complex concept but I'm a firm believer. I also believe there is little if any hope of reversing the trend.

It's only been colder than normal some places. On the whole this winter, the northern hemisphere has been much warmer than normal. Even the United States is about normal, since it has been cold in the east, but very warm out west--84 degrees at my house today.

The average temperature for the contiguous United States during January was 30.3°F, or 0.1°F below the 20th century average. The warm temperatures in the West counterbalanced the cold in the East, resulting in an overall monthly temperature slightly below average. The January 2014 temperature ranked near the middle of the 120-year period of record and was the coldest January since 2011. Despite some of the coldest Arctic air outbreaks to impact the East in several years, no state had their coldest January on record.

There's actually a very good reason that it's colder.

Hot air is lighter, and rises.

Cold air is more dense, and rushes in to fill the space under the rising hot air.

As air over the land heats up, the difference in density increases, and it's more likely that cold arctic air will be pulled farther south.

Heat drives weather. The hotter it is, particularly in some places, and not others, the more violent weather will occur.

Clearly one cannot blame any specific weather event on global warming,

however, pulling cold air down from the arctic is completely sympathetic with global warming expectations.

Prior to December 12th 2013, it had been close to 3 years (1035 days to be exact) since the area saw temperatures at or below 0 degrees. This ended a record-breaking streak of consecutive days above 0 at South Bend.

These rhetorical set piece denier questions follow a sad and predictable formula

Empty statement about cold it has been here

(Carefully avoiding saying where here is !)

Offering not a shred of evidence to back their claim.

If they do say where they are it's usually some place that had local regional weather and over just the couple of months of winter, while they try to ignore what their claimed local weather was for the rest of the year.

I.e. the U.S. had it's warmest year on record in 2012 while deniers at the time where making similar claims about how cold it was.


January in the U.S. was cool in some regions and warm in others


Which is of course why this asker was reluctant to say where he was and offered nothing to back his empty claim.

It has been quite warm here in my part of the UK. No snow at all yet and not too much frost.

Australia has been hot and California has been warm too.

It might be snowing in the US but it is only weather in a small part of the world - less than 2%.

That sounds too reasonable. The greenies live in fantasy land or on the other side of the looking glass where nothing that makes sense is the norm.

Reality is not their strong point.

Quote by Steven Guilbeault, Canadian environemental journalist and Greenpeace member: "Global warming can mean colder, it can mean drier, it can mean wetter."

In other words, "Global Warming means any lie we can make you swallow." They even admit it.

Quote by Paul Watson, a founder of Greenpeace: "It doesn't matter what is true, it only matters what people believe is true."

Global Warming is for suckers!

I don't suppose you have any quantitative data or real evidence.

>>Wouldn't winters be getting warmer and warmer? <<

They are. If you mean that you think every year should be warming than the preceding year then you are too stupid to understand..

Wouldn't winters be getting warmer and warmer?

And they have in general, a single year means little as regards the general trend. You have to take a wider view it's global not local and measured over time. You have to be trolling or are you just stupid

mabey where you live its colder, but where I am we aint had no snow yet just rain, after rain, after rain. where if it was cooler it would be snow

Global warming is bullshit made up by environmentalists that don't want us to drive cars which is ultimatly so the government can have more control... As always...

We have doomed ourselves by not trying harder at global warming.