> How much carbon did the march to stop global warming caused in NY considering all the electricity and police protection

How much carbon did the march to stop global warming caused in NY considering all the electricity and police protection

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
The hippies and elite don't think their actions pollute. They are the saviors of the world and above that. There is an old expression back home about those kind of people. They think their feces doesn't stink.

You can bet just Al Gore's gas guzzling CO2 emitting SUV and private jet caused more CO2 that day than you and I driving back and forth to work for a year. And look at all the energy it took to clean up after the saviors of the earth. Hypocrisy, hypocrisy, hypocrisy!

If we don't cut down our carbon dioxide emissions in general then your question is irrelevant, since the amount is insignificant compared to other sources.

If it helps raise global consciousness so that we do cut down our carbon dioxide emissions then it will be vastly smaller than the savings realized, so your question is irrelevant.

In either case, your question is irrelevant and intended to draw attention away from the real issue. Intelligent people will not be fooled by it.

I'd be more concerned about the carbon footprint of all the people going to the event. However, that's the price of demonstrating.

They smoked tobacco, not the 20 minute genius tuff..


It wasn't about power for one day, it was about the next century.

I wonder about all the people who were trying to hail taxies from there. What did they think was powering the taxi?

Not enough to cure your illiteracy or ignorance of science.

Not so much as you want to believe.