> How has Australia influenced climate change?

How has Australia influenced climate change?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
We are per capita the largest emitter of GHGs in the world. That means for each individual in oz there are more GHGs being produced than in any other country. However we are not the largest emitter in the world, far from it. The reason we have such high per capita emissions is largely because we are a big country with a small population and there are large distances being covered transporting foods etc. We also have lots of industrial pollution, in fact industry is the greatest user of energy and some other resources (eg water) in Australia.

Our main contribution is the massive export of coal to India and China which are increasing the amount of GHGs they are producing while we are trying to reduce ours (although this week China announced that they are going to introduce a carbon tax to reduce emissions). Some of the Australian coal is very good quality and our proximity to Asia means that these countries can get it cheaply. As their demand for coal is what is driving their GHG emissions, Australia contributes to their emissions through the exporting of coal and also through the importing of products which generate GHG emissions in their production.

So our biggest impacts come not from how much power we use in our homes, it comes from the imported crap we buy and the export of minerals. Since these two things are the foundation of our retail and mining industries, it is easy to see why there are so many Australians who oppose action on climate change since they might lose money if people start to consume more responsibly and choose sustainable products instead.

complex aspect. browse on google or bing. that might help!

All the coal dug up and exported to be burnt.

we can do nothing

Doing a project, and I am trying to find information on how Australia has influenced climate change. Not how climate change has influenced Australia.. Whether it is different ways Australia has polluted/is polluting, whether it is a particular law/act put in place to reduce pollution/emissions.. things like that. Anything helps!

Thank you!