> Has anybody heard of a plan to make Yellowstone erupt in the event of runaway Global Warming ?

Has anybody heard of a plan to make Yellowstone erupt in the event of runaway Global Warming ?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
What do you think happened to peat bogs at the end of the last ice age? They released methane. This methane did not cause runaway warming, though it almost certainly contributed to the disappearance of the glaciers.

Positive feedback only leads to runaway effects if it is stronger than a certain threshold. Otherwise in merely amplifies the initial effect.

This does not mean that global warming isn't serious. Though I'm sure that people can walk fast enough to get out of the way of rising sea levels, where will they live?

And if an eruption of Yellowstone could be induced, besides having some very nasty effects, in a few years the clouds will dissipate.

When yellowstone erupts there goes half of the US. The climate would be serverly altered by true dust in the atmosphere for years. Food crops would be wipeout out severely around the world by the earth cooling too much. One catastrophe is not off set by another.

As for all the methane being released will not turn earth into another venus. It won't be good but not that bad. And just because you saw a video on youtube doesn't make it true

Emeritus? If a scientist has that on his resume, you can almost be assured there were a selected few scientists handing out that label. That's how the National Academy of Sciences works also. They still can't accurately calculate the added warming effects from the added CO2 let alone the added methane. The negative feedbacks seem to be holding (whatever warming they think is going to happen) back warming.

That would wipe out the Western States and most of the Eastern states . The only person that said Earth would turn into Venus is Jim Hansen on Book TV couple years ago.

He has been wrong about everything .

The Super Volcano is due anytime to go off by itself now to a few thousand years timeline .

It is foolhardy to worry about loose nukes blowing up Yellowstone, when "true scientists" know that Godzilla, King Kong, and the Creature from the Black Lagoon have recently acquired Al Gore's Time Traveling Decoder Ring. Soon climate alarmists will have the power to be able to turn the whole world into one Giant Groucho-Marxist Gulag where students who flunk science are banned from the internet and cafeterias serve only Vegan Algae products. Our only hope now is if all true patriots band together, join Tinkerbell, and copy-paste as fast and as much as they can from Wattsupwiththat to Yahoo Answers Global Warming.

They were going to do this, but all the nuclear weapons were already assigned to the programs to disperse tornadoes and deflect hurricanes. If you live in the Great Plains or Gulf Coast you'll know you're safe from storms when you see all the bombs going off around you.

Oh crazy Lew where are you?

And Hey Dook making fun of a fellow alarmist? Weird. Isn't the whole point of being alarmist to scare the unquestioning mindless sheep into believing your religion? I would chalk up this idiocy as a win for you guys.

That would be like shooting yourself in the head just because you heard Chicken Little running around crying about the sky falling. It is a consequence of ridiculous exaggeration from alarmists.

Yeah. The communists plan to sacrifice the USA to save the rest of the planet.

I never heard of it! But it's the most preposterous idea I've heard all day. If the Yellowstone 'supervolcano' erupted it would destroy most of the midwestern and eastern US. It might cause a 'nuclear winter' (not a nukyular winter!) and destroy most life on earth! Plus I don't think that's how volcanoes work, that you can just pop them open like a bottle of Coke.

I was watching a video on You Tube and the Scientists were discussing how the Earth would become like Venus if all the Methane in the Arctic were to suddenly be released due to the warming of the permafrost. They were saying that it is a "Self-reinforcing feedback loop"

More warming= more Methane being released.

More Methane being released=More warming,

They said this would result in a very RAPID warming of several degrees because there is enough Methane up there to cook our planet several times over !

They said the only way to stop it would be to drop a Nuclear (not nukular like the way G. Bush pronounces it) bomb on Yellowstone and perhaps another super volcano elsewhere on the Earth to cause a major cooling effect to offset the runaway warming that would be underway once the Methane started cooking off en masse.

I forgot to bookmark the video and have yet to find it again and would like some help from the Yahoo Answers community to relocate the Scientist and the Video. I think it was either Dr. Jason Box or Prof. (Emeritus) Guy McPherson.

If you can help I would appreciate it. I personally do not like the idea of us using a nuke on our own country and I think this needs to be brought to the attention of the proper authorities before some mad scientist goes in and tries to get hold of a nuke so he can "Save the world" from Global Warming !

Please Help

No, that sounds crazy

but i have heard of; Cloud reflectivity modification is a proposed process of altering clouds to make them more or less reflective, in order to change their effect on climate.


Hahahaha - you're kidding. Us little humans live here - we don't cause volcanoes to erupt or to NOT erupt. And when Yellowstone does erupt, it's pretty much the end of human civilization as we know it. Probably 95% of all people would be dead within a few months. Nothing this HUGE has ever happened during human history.