> Does change.org do anything?

Does change.org do anything?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I don't know how often the goal is accomplished, but they force people to look at an issue and consider the view point, and they raise awareness. It certainly does no harm to sign them, and some of them work. 50,000 voices is a powerful thing, politicians and lobbyists will respond to that kind of pressure a lot of the time.

If they're petitions on national issues related to congress, they go nowhere.

Rarely do they support republicans, and republicans don't care how many people signed it.

That's because their campaign contributors didn't sign it.

Petitions work, Referendums work, and so on.


They change.

I always sign these petitions, but I never see if they get enough signatures... So, do these things ever get enough signatures to change anything?

if so, can you tell me some that have got enough?