> Does anyone like this new Y!A format?

Does anyone like this new Y!A format?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I've hated the new format from day one... that's why I don't use the U.S. based Yahoo Answers server anymore.

Now I do all my Yahooing from here: http://ca.answers.yahoo.com/;_ylt=AjvZTe...


I find it slightly confused.

The biggest dis-improvement for me is the placing of the "X" to clear the cotents of the message screen right over the scroll up icon. I have lost several posts that way. In fact, why do we need a clear button at all. Ctrl + A then Delete works amongst other things.

A chance to improve has been missed. Quoting computer code in a reply is not straightforward. There is still a tendency to compact long lines. That plays havoc with Excel equations for instance.

The answer box reacts strangely to moving the cursor. Sometimes it makes the move but does not tell you. Sometimes it jumps to the start of the answer.

So prettier but not quite as functional and with missed opportunities would be my verdict.

I know that I do not like the new format at all. The new format is too cumbersome. Too much time was spent on a bad example of "eye candy" and too little time was spent on actual functionality. Perhaps it is time for Yahoo to just fade away and join the ranks of AOL as a niche market. Yahoo is now about as useful as dial up internet access. It will get you there, but it will not be a pleasant experience.


Which is why I guess that the discussion on this point in the Yahoo! announceents is closed.

Switch over to Canada, they still got the old format (as of today....).

Well, for me, the environment question doesn't show up in the list of categories, requiring a click on more. Same with many of the other categories I look at. So they have succeeded in making certain categories much more important than the others.

The disadvantages seem to far outweigh the advantages. It is faster but navigation has slowed down, sometimes to the point of impossibility. We have lost spell-check. However, Google Chrome and Firefox can help some here. The worst thing about it seems to be that Sagebrush doesn't like it, apparently, and I agree with him. Can any of you direct me to a good psychiatrist?

What it is is what it is!

It is the same thing as getting 'use to' using computers instead of going to the library.

I'd say that they are trying to make things easier and adding variety and are hoping that we figure it out without getting frustrated. Change can be good if it adds to education.

It's all good so far.

Hate it - much more confusing and harder to use than the old format.

It is NICE to know that YA apparently is not so broke that they can't invest in seriously revising YA for the first time years (possibly the first time ever, since its inception).

It is DISAPPOINTING that they have evidently made zero effort to address any of the most serious shortcomings of the site, including the utterly dysfunctional and idiotic "reporting" system, the inability to thumbs-down questions, and the lack of any sensible moderation of posts, even against hard-core lying and sabotage of the (ostensible) fundamental purposes of the site.

There are a couple of MINOR improvements: 1) It is not longer possible to thumbs-down answers into hiding, 2) one is now allowed to read Qs (and As) one is blocked from answering.

No, specially the logo, but we will get used it by time and may start liking it.

I don't like it. Maybe because I haven't gotten used to it yet

No it was a waste of developers time

No and they still haven't removed the politics or global warming sections which have too much misinformation and lies
