> Do you believe in Global Warming?

Do you believe in Global Warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
----Could Global warming be a punishment from god?

Yes. He/She (I never understood why God needs genitals) is angry because people watch Honey Boo Boo.


We pump 30 billion tonnes of CO2 into the air each year. It takes 100 years to break down or absorb CO2. Therefore, we add more CO2 than nature can scrub out of the atmosphere each year. Therefore CO2 levels in our atmosphere must be rising. Strangely enough, this is exactly what we measure.

CO2 is a greenhouse gas that prevents heat escaping into space. If we add CO2 to the atmosphere, then additional heat must be trapped. That means the planet must warm. Strangely enough, this is exactly what we measure.

What's the alternative? That the laws of physics suddenly don't work and we can pump CO2 into the sky and NOT have an effect on temperature? Nonsense. That the CO2 levels are rising but, actually, it's all natural and just-so-happens to APPEAR as though it's due to the CO2 we're pumping into the sky? Nonsense. That the temperature rise is natural and just so happens to be rising at a rate consistent with the CO2 we're pumping into the sky by, like, sheer fluke or something? Nonsense.

No, global warming isn't a punishment from God. It's us. All us.

The earth doesn't care how many people are on it. It's a tiny lump of rock in space with no will or desire of it's own.

Do I care? Yes. Our planet is carefully balanced in terms of the ecosystems that have evolved. We are conducting a massive global experiment where we're changing the environmental conditions in record time. How the ecology of our planet will respond is something we don't know. What we do know is that when humans messed with the ecology of small areas, like lakes or islands, by introducing new species or killing off other species, the consequences were unforeseen and overwhelmingly negative.

Yes, I accept the scientific consensus on global warming.

Mostly because it *is* the scientific consensus.

I don't think God plays games like that, I think it's merely the collective result of our own stupidity.

I don't think the Earth *cares* about human population.

I have kind of an interested-layman level of knowledge about global warming, which is too many details to list in this question.

I care about global warming, because I'd like my (as yet hypothetical) children to have a good world to live in.

Global warming is a slightly controversial issue. In the USA, many believe that it is a part of the natural cycle of our planet to drop and increase in temperature, however, this has a lot to do with their politics, and the fact that their politicians do not put enough emphasis on it and often say it is not the populations fault but it's apart of the earth's natural cycle. In different country's, it is portrayed and emphasized differently, so this is important to note. In Canada, for example, statistics show that Canadians are more informed about global warming and more believe that it is their fault, not the fault of the earth's natural cycle, which does have an impact as well. In the US, it would be really bad for the economy and the large oil companies to promote environmental concern and reduce GHG emissions. The very small group of scientists in the US (who are, by the way, FUNDED by oil companies themselves and governments to prove that the rise in temperature is of natural cause) support their claim by saying that the increase in temperature is due to natural things like solar flares, sun spots, changes in earth's orbit. The larger group of scientists, however, that originate from all over the world, state that it is mostly due to human impact, such as operating power plants, automobiles, airplanes, through deforestation. The small group of US scientists state that the Greenhouse effect can actually lead to global cooling rather than global warming due to more clouds being produced, blocking the sun's heat from reaching earth. Some scientists believe that global warming will have negative impacts that greatly outweigh the positive, such as animals losing their habitats, coastlines moving inwards, severe weather, drier soils. The positives include higher food production and new trade routes. There are a couple organizations and treaties dealing with global warming, such as the UNFCCC, however, these meetings usually lead to nothing. The Kyoto Protocol I think died recently, since Canada withdrew from it in 2011 i believe, making different countries upset about it. The US never ratified it. There's the newer Copenhagen Accord now. I think it is also important to note that 25% of the world's oil and natural gas reserves are under the Arctic seafloor, WHICH, by the way, Russia, Denmark, Norway, and Canada are vying to control these assets, and this would be made easier if the ice melted.

The issue of global warming is complicated by politics and economical reasons. If we reduce greenhouse gas emissions, does that mean, industries will be forced to shut down and lose profits because their contributing too much to global warming? How far is too far? Who will pay to help poor nations adapt, because , they by the way will be impacted the most by it. Global warming works in such a way that cold places get hotter, but places that are already hot do not get dramatically impacted.

I persoanlly think it's happening, because we cant deny that all actions have a reaction, and we are acting by releasing more and more greenhouse gases.

Dr Ian Clark explains it very well here - http://video.search.yahoo.com/video/play...

CO2 is not a climate driver.

The rise in global temperature maxed out in 1998. This was 0.75 C above the established normal global temperature. Most of that increase (0.45 C) happened between 1905 and 1940 when CO2 by humans was still relatively low.

Overpopulation concerns of our planet is blown way out of proportion. The fact is the entire population takes up the equivalent of less than 1/3rd of a cubic mile of space as a whole and if we were all standing we would take up the equivalent of less than 400 square miles. Rhode Island is 1045 square miles so you can see that there is plenty of room.

If Joe and Jane American discover that Yellowstone, Big Bend, Sequoia, Rocky Mountain, Great Smoky, Yosemite, and the other national parks and monuments are under UN jurisdiction and control, then there might be a revolution, but we are so "stupidified" about issues concerning the planet. The IP CC was set up to prove Global Warming by Margaret Thatcher in 1988. She wanted nuclear energy to power the UK so she didn't have to battle the Coal Miner's Union or the Arab Oil Cartel. This is where most information about Global Warming comes from. It's all smoke and mirrors and the UN (who wants global governance) is now in control of the IP CC.

They would have us believe that The Federal Reserve Bank is owned and run by our Government when in fact there are stockholders. This was set up many years ago under the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. You can find this information in a YouTube video called "The Money Masters" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cOZ2l6UNY...

Do you ever wonder where our national debt came from? If you watch the video (3 1/2 hours) you will totally understand who controls the information on what is going on. Global Warming is a diversion. Most every Government has a central bank. Charging interest on money use to be against the law. It was called "Usury". I still believe it is. Income taxes are attached to the Federal Debt to guarantee the payment. China does not own the majority of our debt as some will have you believe. We need to start printing our own money and get control back. It wouldn't take long to totally erase our debt.

A carbon tax will only benefit Government and Monetary Elites. It gives them even more control over people and their behavior.

Global warming is real and natural. Global cooling is also real and natural. Both have occurred in oscillations for billions of years. It's not a punishment. It's a natural cycle. I know that planets such as Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, and Pluto as well as the moon Titan are all experiencing a global warming duration at the same time the earth is. I do not care about global warming because the effects of it in my lifetime will be insignificant.

I do believe as I'm seeing changes in my environment . I'm living some hundred miles off Himalayas and we could literally see how fast ice caps melt. Even though studies says that Himalayas aren't melted as much these decade , people living here can feel the change .

And I strongly believe you this global warming issue is fully has " HUMAN " written all over it.May be god is punishing but it is us who initiated it .

If global warming gets even " hotter" in future , it may b a question for human survivability in a 100-500 years .

Yes i believe in it

No i do not think it is all our faults

- Scientist agree that earth goes through warm periods and cold periods and our earth has been warming up for sometime, we know this through old almanacs from the 1800s and our modern forecasting services. I think it is important to invest in green energy and not wreck our environmental. look at acid rain in germany, those SUV's people drive are not good for the enviorment, but they are not causing global warming. I repeat; I believe the earth is warming, it is not our fault, we still need to take care of earth and invest in green energy/resources

As a fellow Yahoo'er, I thought I'd give my remark. Yes i believe in it Take care y'all!




Enough to know that it is part of a natural cycle of the planet, and that man's effect, if any, is minor.

If you do believe why?

If you don't believe, why?

Could Global warming be a punishment from god?

Or is it the earth's way of population control (i.e. Ice age)?

What do you know about global warming?

Do you care about global warming? why

yes it is really happening
