> Did you first notice that the planet was heating up on your own, or were you told to believe in global warming by your t

Did you first notice that the planet was heating up on your own, or were you told to believe in global warming by your t

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Well I lived in Florida for a while,and one time it got down to -3. When I moved to Georgia it had a big winter storm. I'm more inclined to believe in global cooling,like in the 70s

I have not noticed any warming in my state. Louisiana. If anything it has been the same or cooler. I can't remember a 100 day in the last 10yr

In the 80s and 90s we had many 100' days. It was so hot my brother moved back to Commiefornia.

Last mo. was the first aug. I could drive without a.c. and be comfortable.

Globe has been cooling for the last 16 years and were overdue for an iceage. Stop believing the Media and do your research. Even if Global warming was true we would have a more fertile earth with Antarctica being a whole green continent and the Sahara desert being a luscious pasture so we could feed our 7 billion population without Ted Turner saying that we need to reduce it to 200 million

The Earth has warmed up 1.53 degrees Fahrenheit over the last century. Over a shorter time period that an individual might actually notice this, 1 to 2 decades, the changes have been less than this.The temperature often changes 10 to 30 degrees back and forth from one day to the next. You wouldn't really notice a .25 or .5 degrees change over the course of a decade. Human perceptions aren't that price. That's why climatologists and meteorologists use thermometers to measure these things. It's not really up for debate whether the Earth has warmed up, that's an irrefutable fact.

Although I wouldn't have noticed the temperature getting a bit warmer, I did indeed notice changes in the climate in the area I used to live in. It got so bad that I up and left.

I was told in school to expect warming of degrees per decade, and that buildings would be flooded. Later I took a class on global warming and was surprised when the professor said sea level rise is predicted at 2 meters.

On my own, which included a fair amount of analysis in figuring out what needed noticing. Luckily, doing my own analysis meant I didn't have to pay attention to a lot of the antiscientific bullbleep put out by deniers and propagandists in the ensuing decades.

My children are being taught that, but I am teaching them critical thinking and to question everything, including their teachers. For some teachers I get to teach my children how to tell people what they want to hear regardless of what the truth is or what we believe. Useful actually.

I was a skeptic conducting scientific research on long-term global climate change and changed my opinion only when the evidence became so overwhelming that only a moron could fail to see it.

0.8 degrees in a hundred (possibly 300) years ??????? Naa, no human can detect that shift in climate, We are quite good at noticing WEATHER and saying that it has changed from last season to season, but anything more than that is not physically possible for us.

Most deniers are too old to have learned about global warming in school. Al Gore didn't even start using his time machine until 1992. But many are too senile to even remember NOT learning about it. All they remember is Rush Limbaugh or some such clown raving against it, and that was all it took to wash their small brains of that liberal Marxist Freemason ideology about common sense, literacy, logic and Satanic Math:

I read a lot. Studied denier sites. Not much substance to the denier claims.

I found the data on NOAA's site.

you're not going to convince anyone

on my own analyzing a lot of datasets back in 1980