> Could we block out the sun to control climate change?

Could we block out the sun to control climate change?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I'm wondering if it's possible to block out the sun to control climate change similarly to ash from volcano eruptions? If so, how?

Well yeah, but it would be exceptionally difficult with out harming people in the area, as long as wildlife. Now also if you did manage to 'Block' out the sun, if you could not get it out of the atmosphere, the possibility of vegetation death, and extreme dropping of temperatures is very high.. Also, there is no reason to block out the sun.. The suns rays that hit the earth do not change unless in the case of a solar flair.. The problem is idiots polluting the air with Co2, and the cutting down of the rainforests and the deaths of the coral reefs..

Sorry but, that ultimately wouldn't be possible :/, we'd have to block out the sun with some material so that the sun couldn't get through, but then the world would freeze in matters of hours, IF you're speaking completely blocking out the sun. Animals would die, Plants would die, no synthesis of any sort, no heat and the world would again, just freeze and die.

We rely a lot on the sun, even if we could we'd need major heaters as a replacement to heat all the hectares of earth, plants and all living things in general, If the sun were to disappear suddenly out of thin ear, we'd be dead in seconds. But then even if you could, What'd happen when meteors hit the cover? If we somehow produced enough heat, if there were a breach in that bubble of some sort, the new amount of heat coming through would be such a sudden temperature change everything'd burn.

Blocking out the sun would cool the planet, but it also would decrease energy for photosynthesis in plants and lead to food shortages.

Possibly, it is called dimming. The greenies are blaming the reduction in temperature reduction due to all the coal burning in China. It puts dust particles in the air and thus cools the Earth, much like a volcano. Of course some still stupidly point to ENSO for this factor. And some are still denying that the earth is cooling.

Personally, I don't see any evidence that man has enough power to change climates. I am glad that man doesn't. Just look what terrible things Obama does to his opponents, politically. Can you imagine what he would do to them if he could control the climate? Good bye Israel!

I am sure we could find away, maybe spread black carbon over the ice caps to reduce albedo.

But I think it would be an incredibly dangerous thing to do.

We do not have global warming it's stopped.

Let the world turn... Just because it's changing out of your comfort level... Doesn't mean you need to do drastic things to keep your little bubble safe.

climate change = hoax

I'm wondering if it's possible to block out the sun to control climate change similarly to ash from volcano eruptions? If so, how?