> Are people really gullible enough to believe in global warming?

Are people really gullible enough to believe in global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
It's good to have some sort of understanding before you give your opinions on a subject such as "global warming". Allow me to correct some of your mistakes and perhaps you can form a new question that sounds more intelligent...

First of all, the term "global warming" simply refers to a gradual increase in average global temperature over a significant period of time. All of the scientific data (even from the "skeptic" sceintists) show that pattern over the past 100 years. Anyone that argues that fact is wasting their time. The argument is on the impact of humans to the warming trend. This is called "anthropogenic global warming" which simply means humans caused it. If you're going to argue global warming, then you need to argue the reason of the warming trend (humans or natural forcings) and not the existence of the phenomenon itself.

Having said that, there are plenty of "non liberal scientists" that accept the data as showing a warming trend. Most REAL scientists do not reveal their political affiliation and only deal with the evidence. The few you see on TV or the radio are such a small minority of the group. When you mix politics with science, you get lots of ignorance and grandstanding from both of the parties. Meanwhile the scientists are simply doing their job and collecting/interpreting data because that's their job. Most of them take it very seriously. To real scientists, science comes before politics. They don't go to school for years thinking "hey, maybe I can make up scientific data and push my agenda on unsuspecting people in order to embezzle money and votes for the liberal party". They go to school because they enjoy and respect the science.

Winter is not an example of global cooling. Winter is a seasonal climate variation that is a result of less incoming solar radiation due to the tilt of the earth. When it's winter in the northern hemisphere, it's summer in the southern hemisphere, and vice-versa. The total amount of solar heat that reaches the earth doesn't change. So it makes no sense to bring up seasons when talking about global warming or cooling. That's why it's called GLOBAL warming and not regional warming.

Deserts are not categorized as being hot. They are deserts because of the lack of precipitation. There are hot deserts, cold deserts (Antarctica is actually the largest desert in the world), and seasonal deserts. The temperatures vary depending on lattitude and climatic factors. So snowfall in a desert (which is rare because snow is precipitation) is in now way evidence that global warming is false. In fact, if snowfall increases in a desert, then that could possibly be evidence that supports global warming. I know that might sound stupid to you, and I see people argue this all the time, but that's because they're ignorant of how weather and climate works. Snow is simply frozen rain. It freezes in the atmosphere after it is evaporated from the surface and transported elsewhere. Evaporation is caused by, guess what, HEAT and low pressure. How did you think that snow got up there? Did you think it was always there? If so, why hasn't it stopped snowing because eventually it runs out right? It's WINTER dude, if it snows during the winter in a region it's not going to stop snowing just because the global temperatures are rising, in fact the opposite could be true because of more heat causing more evaporation and snowfall (such as the record snowfall we've had in the Northeast US lately). Global warming doesn't always cause more snowfall/rainfall though, it can cause droughts, it's all dependent on how the GLOBAL temperature increase impacts the climate in a particular region.

It gets much more complicated, but I was just hoping I could educate you a bit so you don't keep making the same mistakes. I don't expect everyone to be an expert on weather and climate, but I feel that some of these concepts are fairly easy to understand and get misrepresented too often.

It all started with a "challenge" from Margaret Thatcher in 1987-88 when she told the Royal Society that there was Government money "on the table" to prove that human industry was warming the Planet by adding CO2 to the atmosphere. "Maggie" was wanting Great Britain's energy production to come from nuclear power. She didn't want GB's energy security to be controlled by Coal Miner's Unions or Middle East Oil Cartels. It was purely a political strategy.

The Royal Society then directed their efforts towards the United Nations. The UN then established the IP CC (Inter-Governmental Panel on Climate Change). The United Nations has been a politically motivated Government conglomeration since its inception. This gave the UN another revenue source along with another avenue of Government control worldwide.

It has been 26 years since the beginning of the UNIP CC and according to satellite temperature anomalies at UAH here : http://www.drroyspencer.com/latest-globa... , global average temperatures haven't risen one bit while atmospheric CO2 measurements have risen approximately 10%.

Jan 1988 anomaly : 0.28C above the established global mean

Last updated anomaly (August 2014) : 0.20C above the established global mean.


Jan 1988 CO2 level : 350.13ppm

Current CO2 level (Sep 2014) : 394.98ppm

There isn't a discernible connection with CO2 levels to atmospheric warming which hasn't happened. Global average temperatures went through a "convulsion" in 1997-98 from a Super El Nino (a totally natural event), but nothing much has really happened with temperatures in the past 26 years besides that.

It seems that "environmental climate science" ("climate clowns" IMO) has been playing right along with nature. They say that the "heat" is hiding somewhere and they are still "seeking" it, while they continue with their unsubstantiated claims based on a "political and financial" objective.

Additionally :

It seems that the past 10 or so years they have been "screaming" even louder that temperatures continue to rise and setting all kinds of "warming" records. The fact of the matter is that wind speeds on the oceans have "greatly decreased", which gives the illusion of higher surface temperatures through the anomalies.

" ... a curious thing has been shaping up in the last few years. Global average ocean surface wind speeds have been decreasing. In fact, August 2014 had the lowest surface wind speed in about 25 years. ... "


" ... Wind-driven evaporation is the largest source of heat loss from water bodies, including the global oceans. Assuming a global average rate of ocean surface heat loss of 90 W/m2 (which is mostly evaporative), the August value of about 4-5% below the long-term average would mean about 4 W/m2 less cooling of the ocean surface.

Importantly, this 4 W/m2 reduction in heat loss is LARGER than the supposed anthropogenic radiative forcing of about 2.3 W/m2, the IPCC’s RCP6 current radiative forcing value. (The true radiative imbalance is actually less than that because warming has offset some of it with increase IR emission to space). The net result that the wind speed effect is probably at least 4 times the anthropogenic effect. ... "

Dorkster, nobody could match your stupidity. You are th poster boy for the inane.

Yes people are. Just look at the politicians. It all boils down to Goebbels' theory.

Joseph Goebbels,

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

The lie is an important tool of the evil and it works on the uninformed.

Gary F: I ignore you on this subject because you are so dense and even though I have explained this in the past with clarity and exactness. Yet you don't get. I didn't come up with the quote. I didn't originate it. I copied and pasted it from a reputable source. This quote is too often quoted for there to be any question in any mind of the informed. Now I am going to challenge you. Prove that he didn't say that. I bet you can't! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! And what are you doing defending a NAZI? Tsk! Tsk!

You are correct not to believe it. Contrary to what others have said, there is absolutely no empirical evidence to support man-made Global Warming.... NONE. There was a little natural warming leading up to the year 2000 but not much. It was well within the envelope of natural variability and should have never raised as much as an eyebrow, let alone wasting billions of taxpayer dollars on this SCAM.

The man-made Global Warming SCAM is all about raising taxes and destroying liberties and keeping the grant money flowing to the climate fraud industry. They have been riding the man-made Global Warming gravy train for more than 30 years already and as long as we pay them their big fat paychecks each week to continue screeching about it, they will do exactly that.

There is NO **man-made** Global Warming and there has never been any.

What global warming? It's been cooling for at least 12 years according to HadCrut3 & HadCrut4 is nearly flat. http://www.woodfortrees.org/plot/hadcrut...

According to RSS Satellite data there has been no warming for almost 18 years.

the gullible fools are the Deniers. They actually believe Rush Limbaugh and the Koch Bros are honest and actual scientists like Neil deGrasse Tyson are liars. Some of these deniers also think Evolution is a lie and their god controls the weather.

There's evidence of people who say 'it's a hoax' work for or receive money from Big Oil.

-Marc Morano-career began working for Rush Limbaugh. Climate Depot.com run by Morano, is funded by Richard Mellon Scaife- is an American billionaire, a principal heir to the Mellon banking, oil, and aluminum fortune.

Deniers won't watch this because their heads are up their asses

Dude, global warming is real. Because of things like cars, that give off the carbon dioxide that's doing damage to our ozone layer, the heat from the sun is getting trapped, and therefore, proves the existence of global warming. Besides, can't you feel it? It used to get cold during winter where I live, but now it's hot all year round.

Global warming is happening


And we are causing it


The ten warmest years in the instrumental record are 2010, 2005, 2009, 2007, 2002, 1998, 2006, 2003, 2011 and 2012.


Are people really gullible enough to believe that global warming isn't real?

Being a skeptic, I'll believe it when I see it.

Madd Maxx

In response to your question, which you block people with real answers

Who cares watt Naomi Klein thinks. It doesn't have anything to do with scientific evidence.


Naomi Klein was born in 1970, long after Joseph Fourier, John Tyndall, Rudolph Clausius and Svante Arrhenius were dead.


This is not a political question. What to do about it is political, but the truth or non-truth of the science behind global warming is NOT a political question.

However I expect that you would define any scientist who supports the existence of global warming as a liberal no matter how much he liked Rush Limbaugh and hated Al Gore.

I guess the question is, "Are you really smarter than almost all of the scientists?"

In which case, you probably have a full scholarship to any university you'd like,

and are working on your 2nd doctorate degree. OR ..... you might consider:


"The finding that the climate has warmed in recent decades and that human activities are already contributing adversely to global climate change has been endorsed by every national science academy that has issued a statement on climate change, including the science academies of all of the major industrialized countries."




This one is easy to read.



>> I guarantee that nobody can name even a single NON LIBERAL scientist that supports the existence of global warming.<<

I not only can name such scientists - I know them.

And, I guarantee that you are a scientifically ignorant numb-skull who does not know what any scientist in the world thinks about anything - has never read one word of anything ever written even by those scientists you have heard about from dishonest and uninformed political sources - and cannot correctly define a single scientific concept (and, in fact, does not know the meaning of and cannot explain "science" itself).

Being stupid is not criminal - but, being as stupid and arrogant as you would embarass anyone with a shred of integrity and self-respect.


Sagebrush ---

You call someone stupid and inane when - in the same answer - you repeat a lie you have told dozens of times (after repeatedly having been shown the truth). The quote is false - that means not true (aka a lie) - and it means that you have to be the most stupid person who regularly practices their stupidity here on Y!A.



How do people believe in this garbage? I guarantee that nobody can name even a single NON LIBERAL scientist that supports the existence of global warming. What's next when winter comes we're gonna be discussing global cooling? I mean just think about how the snow falls every winter even in the great deserts of eygpt... how could the earth be heating up when it is covered in snow. Checkmate climate scientists. And my dad drives a hummer and we never recycle. Shouldn't I be noticing the thermometer changing when we do that stuff? it just doesn't make sense.

What does the scientists being liberals or not have anything to do with this? If a non liberal scientist say global warming is real, does that make this subject real?

"I guarantee that nobody can name even a single NON LIBERAL scientist that supports the existence of global warming"

You don't know many scientists, do you? How about Kerry Emanuel? MIT meteorologist and hurricane expert.


First, global warming is occurring. It is being exaggerated and the little bit of warming we are having may have as many beneficial effects as negative effects, but it is occurring.

As for driving a hummer, I don't particularly care, but that is a lot of gas and a huge waste of money. Further, whether you agree with AGW or not, we are currently burying our trash. That is hardly a good long-term solution.

I agree that the fear of AGW is ridiculously stupid, but there is no need to match their stupidity with stupidity.


Further, lets be perfectly clear. We do not know the full effect of our CO2 emissions and should lower them. NOT to the detriment of mankind but to the benefit. In other words, when we panick, we make stupid panicked decisions. The data does not support panick, but that does not mean it doesn't support change.

Besides, when solar power becomes reasonably priced, who is not going to want to lower their energy bills AND have an energy supply in cases of a power outage? Who does not want to pay less money on gasoline?


Was that english?


I think it is reasonable to assume that since CO2 is a greenhouse gas, that some warming is going to occur. Adding CO2 to the atmosphere even minutely increases its thickness, which should also cause warming. The amount of warming is EXTREMELY debatable. I will agree that it "appears" that warming can be seen as a signal beyond the normal climate variability. I will also agree that the warming trend we have seen MAY be explained by CO2 emissions, but I can't say that CO2 may not cause any warming.

Raisin is right but he needs to add, GW "appears" to be happening, otherwise it too is a "belief" IMO. Science shouldn't have absolutes. You need to lay down the qualifiers and say based on this and this, this appears to be the best explanation....

I think it is probably mostly semantics. I prefer to say, based on the evidence, this is the best explanation where others would shorten that to saying I believe....Believe is too strong a word for me and it isn't accurate except maybe for alarmists who really do believe.

Raisin, I agree that CO2 probably does warm the atmosphere but it is based on theories and right now there are so many unknowns that it is difficult to say what the CO2 is doing. It may be so small of an effect that it is lost in the background as some researchers suggest. With competing theories, IMO it isn't right to just assume that one theory is correct. I am not convinced that we "see" the signal beyond normal climate variability. Obviously that signal has been pretty hard to see in the last 20 years. Obviously saying CO2 causes no warming isn't supported by evidence. My point is that superlatives and absolutes should be avoided. I should also point out that there are many other ways of saying it correctly without the word "appear".

Triphip, thanks for the laugh. "I am not a liberal" certainly not in the classic sense. I would love to hear the explanation for trip and hip, not that it matters. Lefties rarely think of themselves as lefties it seems. They think of themselves as correct and those who disagree as incorrect.

In my comments triphip didn't volunteer what trip and hip means but he did say this:


Au contraire, Monsieur Trip, I understand that I am a conservative and unlike you can distinguish between theory and fact. You worry about my egotism, but I am not the one claiming to know. No need to worry. You can count on it.

Scientists believe scientifically collected data. The data shows a rapid climate change in both historic and geological time. The US Navy certainly believes the data. You can look this up!

Yes, there are many who have been taken in by it, but most of the people who promote it probably don't really believe it. It's a lucrative business for them.

With the right marketing scheme, people will believe anything. Just look at how many voters believed that Obama actually had the ability to be a good President......a perfect example of good marketing selling a sub-standard product.

Yes, scientist are smart, so what ever they say is true. All scientist say global warming is cause by fossil fuels, so that makes fossil fuels bad for the environment.

Naomi Klein thinks so She wants Communism and redistribution of wealth . And She is not a scientist just a paid kook . Its a religon

Are you REALLY stupid enough to think that 6 billion people aren't having an effect on the environment or just plain stupid altogether?

Are people really gullible enough to believe in global warming?

Damn jello I ALWAYS thought you were a woman.

>Global climate warming is a fact and no one with more than half a brain denies it.

> I list the top contributors and most accepted to the scientific community

>you list obscure blogs.





Are people really gullible enough to believe in global warming?

>It's happening and not denied from any scientific community.

>No one knows if man is making it worse even skeptics admit that.http://www.coolingnews.com/debunk-global...

Why are you trying to accelerate our demise? you have no kids?

Where I live there used to be cold days in the winter, but last year there were only cool days and warm days during winter...

Are you stupid?

I fell gullible enough to see pigs fly when Raisin Cain comes out against matching stupidity with stupidity.

Exactly - no one will ever tell you if it will be warmer or colder in 5 years and show you how they came to their conclusion. They just have to believe it will be warmer because that's their faith.

Who paid you to submit these lies?

Or are you in the category below idiot, and an imbecile like all of the other climate change deniers?

Bad troll

Hey, real or not don't you think it'll be safer if we cut back on pollution?


Typed in global warming for kids - hope this helps

YEP! Some of those same people say smoking causes cancer!!!