> Are fast breeders the answer to climate change?

Are fast breeders the answer to climate change?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
processing our waste nuclear arsenal, a nice benefit.

I think it's only part of the answer. The future may be a hybrid system of small distributed energy from wind/solar similar to the internet today and large central power either in fusion or breeders.

we still have to develop storage systems, you cannot fly airplane with a heavy reactor. That storage could be synthetic liquid fuels.

we're not running out of oil, it's just going to be too expensive to dig what's left. We did not run out of stones to get out of the stone age.

No, because "climate change" isn't a question which needs a solution. But, new reactor technology promises clean electricity for the future. Yes breeder reactors are one very I creating idea, can't do links but YouTube LFTR also look at the reactor Bill Gates is working on. And for way into the future, an amazing model has been built in berkely that theoretically can also use waste fuel YouTube Lawrence Livermore fusion reactor lazer...... something, key words.

I am a fan of nuclear power. Nevertheless, there are at least to questions about fast breeders, which must be answered if fast breeders are the solution.

1. Are they safe?

2. What do they cost? (Cents per kWhr, rather than number of billions of dollars total capital cost. Billions of dollars is meaningless without knowing number of megawatts and useful life time of the reactor.)

Given that fast breeders make plutonium, that would not be a reason to build them.

Only if they are cheap enough that developing countries would adopt them. It is possible that they don't have to be cheaper, since some of these countries might skimp on safety to cut costs.

Is there ever an answer to something that doesn't exist?

If you like the idea of a bomb in your back yard

Especially in the UK with it's large store of plutonium.
