> Would Sunday's Green Bay Packers game be a good place to protest Global Warming?

Would Sunday's Green Bay Packers game be a good place to protest Global Warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Good idea. We are told that cold weather is the result of global warming, so clearly it should be stopped. Michael Mann actually said that global warming would yield colder winters. However, there is a problem. There is a well known Gore Effect that causes cold weather to come to global warming protests. If you do this knowing that it will be freezing, then you might make it warm, and allow the 49ers to win in warmer weather.

It sounds like a good place for you to go to demonstrate that it is a hoax. I'm pretty sure Michael Mann and Al Gore were both quoted as saying "It will never be cold in Green Bay again"

I think it makes more sense to protest FOR global warming.

Maybe Moomba in South Australia would be a better option.


50 degrees Celsius is 122 Degrees in the archaic temperature measurement you're used to.

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You might as well protest that the earth doesn't revolve around the sun You will have about as much success

GW isn't something that can be stopped by protesting. Use your head

Yup! Good idea. That ought to get their attention. But then you still would be out done by those stranded PhDs in Antarctica. You can't out do that. Second thought, good idea, stay home and let those pilgrims down in Antarctica carry the load.

I am thinking about making up a "stop Global Warming" banner for Sunday's football game, and protest outside of the stadium. I don't know, though. It's gonna be pretty darn cold. I might just stay home.