> Will you be better off when you can't afford electricity?

Will you be better off when you can't afford electricity?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I saw a news article recently about coal being shipped from Indonesia of all places. These radicals prevent any domestic coal and then ship it from elsewhere. That is the Obama energy policy, destroy America's ability to the extent possible and drive costs up to assuage their idiot base. That is who we are dealing with.

If we found the low hanging fruit Miles, why does your side keep trying to prevent us from using easily available sources. We could be easily energy independent and export gas and instead we have a bunch of sheeple that would rather have Vlad the Putin or some Sheik or other anti-American selling it to us. They make no sense and it seems to never bother them. Miles then goes on like he predicted the end of petroleum? WTF? Really? I could have predicted that if you put everything off limits and go to war against our energy industry, you might actually begin to have a crippling effect. A funny thing happened though, Fracking. I am guessing poor Miles never predicted that. These types have always predicted the end of resources such as petroleum. It is in their DNA. In fact what happens is technology advances.

The cost of production of utility services is rising all over the world due to increase in labor and materials. The electricity is the most vulnerable product which has direct relationship with the increase in the cost and its usage by the public. The concept of ice and riding horses is gaining the strength of possibilities because there is no other alternative to cope with the shortage of electricity and gases.

Who cares what he wants. My THOUGHTS=If everyone puts in solar heating, but either put it in the attic or the basement and enclose the panels with flood lights facing the panels with a switch to turn on the flood lamps only when needed then you too can use free power for heating and free electricity and control it at the same time. Mike

Although there will be oil and coal on this planet long after all humans are gone, we have found and used the easy stuff, the low hanging fruit so to speak. The fossil fuels of the future will be more expensive to find and produce, examples are shale oil, fractured gas, oil sands and deep water oil.

Sorry but its a fact of life and those who saw the writing on the wall are moving to renewables like solar and wind. While contrarians decry the inefficiencies the renewable economies are thriving and becoming more competitive.

Yeah, Obama said that in 2008. Not really relevant today.


Jim Z "I saw a news article recently about coal being shipped from Indonesia of all places."

Hmmm, JimZ is a geologist?

But doesn't have a clue that Indonesian coal is very low sulfur, which is why it's imported.

It seems that neither geology nor veracity are his strong points.

MIKE L "They want to go back to the days of ice blocks in refrigerators and the horse and buggy. "

Having had an Ice Box when I was a kid, no, I'm not anxious to go back.

In addition to which, using an ice box just means that the energy is consumed at the ice plant, not your house.

Everyone who's worried about global warming is concerned about where the energy will come from.

It is true that the less we use, the easier it will be to reduce atmospheric CO2 increase.

We only see AGW deniers talking about stuff like horses and buggies.

Maybe they heard that on fauxlies.

Edit: JimZ "We could be easily energy independent and export gas and instead we have a bunch of sheeple that would rather have Vlad the Putin or some Sheik or other anti-American selling it to us."


We exported oil at less than $1-$2 a barrel for decades.

Now we're importing it at $100 a barrel.

Surely we should export all the natural gas we can today.

So that we can import it at 100 times the price in a couple decades.

That's the capitalist / republican way.

They want to go back to the days of ice blocks in refrigerators

and the horse and buggy.

yes, you will be better off. you will not have to pay an electric bill. good times are on the way.

Obama stated he wanted the cost of utilities to 'sky-rocket' and it looks like that's happening. EPA regulation are making it more and more difficult to produce energy and fulfill our needs. Rising cost is one of the byproducts of such policies. http://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/terence-p-jeffrey/electricity-price-surged-all-time-record-march
