> Will global warming cause crop failures and how much?

Will global warming cause crop failures and how much?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
It has to be an all around plus for agriculture, more land available for farming, longer growing days, CO2 for plant food.

The CO2 is certain, but the warming is doubtful, I seriously doubt that it is going to get any warmer in the next 30 years.

Actually, I do not think crop failures will be the result.

It has warmed in the past. We know this from historical records that when the climate warmed, people did better. Crops thrived from a longer growing season.

If AGW does come to pass, we'll have higher amounts of CO2 in the air, which plants love, and we'll have more climate like the frozen north become suitable for crops and longer growing seasons. Less crops dying of frost.

Greenhouse conditions do not represent real world farming.

In greenhouses, if water and nutrients weren't added, nothing but mold would grow.

When you add an excess of every other nutrient, then add CO2 will improve yields.

Out in nature, CO2 is NEVER the limiting nutrient.

If it were, more "stuff" would grow,

Including on farms.


It is not sea levels rising that will cause crop loss as much as desertification. The US has seen little to no affect from climate change so far, which is why we can use our farmland to make ethanol. Australia's agriculture has suffered greatly from such events. Also severe weather impacts crops as well.

If crops fail, it will be due to so-called "global warming". If crops are abundant, well, that's because of global warming as well. Even if crops are the same size, that's because of global warming as well. This is how we can tell so-called "global warming" is real and is the standard scientists use to prove it's real and happening.

likely more crops because of more CO2

No, because global warming is fake, invented by that liberal lunatic and fat pig, Al Gore.

Consider, if temps rise then while some land will be lost to the sea, more land in the north and higher altitudes will be available for farming.

Further, CO2 conc. increases in greenhouses lead to MORE plant production.

So how much will be lost in agrable land and how many crops wil be lost? By when?

If you think AGW will be a problem for feeding ourselves, perhaps you should be able to justify more than 4.9 billion bushels lost per year (the amount used to make ethanol in the US).