> Just why are we using hard earned tax dollars to broadcast this unprovable unscientific Global Warming propaganda?

Just why are we using hard earned tax dollars to broadcast this unprovable unscientific Global Warming propaganda?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

I thought there was a separation of church and state. It seems that the Global Warming religious sec has infiltrated the National Parks to promote their agenda. That's what happens over time when power hungry liberals remain in our Government system as employees. They eventually turn into "dictators" in specific Government places. It doesn't matter to them that we all have access to the internet and can educate ourselves. So much for enjoying the scenery. Now we have to listen to the "clown act" in tent #4.

Because it's not a science, it's an indoctrination of our youth against Capitalism, Business, Individualism in order to push more towards leaning on government to protect them. It's sad that people actually fall for these schemes.

Because the Alarmists are not spending THEIR money, they are spending OUR money. And they pump this propaganda in an attempt to get even MORE of OUR money. This has been going on for more than 30 years already.

What other so called 'scientific' endeavor has managed to get their predictions so fantastically wrong for more than 30 years BUT still gets ever increasing public funding?


Of course you have to keep pushing the propaganda, and as a global poll shows that climate change action is the least concern of earths citizens, it just means they have to push it harder.

Maybe because they want to point out that it would be nice if there were still glaciers in Glacier National Park.

-or fresh water in the Everglades

I wasn't aware our tax dollars supported the anti-science conservative movement.

I thought it was people like The Koch Brothers doing that.

It is not "unscientific". And in science, not much is "proven", as you have read on this site.

but there are a lot of facts and theories that make AGW rather probable.

It's nwo policy.

Because sane people know better.

because ignorance is a lot more expensive
