> Why is the climate on mars suitable for instruments which work there?

Why is the climate on mars suitable for instruments which work there?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
After Earth, Mars is the planet with the most hospitable climate in the solar.

Mars is colder than earth.

Batteries have a hard time when it's colder.

At least some batteries.

Most other electronic instruments actually like it better when it's cold.

It's cold and dry. Earthling-built machines (mechanical/electronic technology) can be easily adapted to these conditions. Mars' atmosphere is 95 percent carbon dioxide, not corrosive like the 20 percent oxygen in Earth's atmosphere.

Mars isn't as cold as you might think. It's colder in many parts of the northern hemisphere right now than it is on the surface of Mars.

the instruments were designed by scientists who have studied Mars

you have it backward. instruments are made to be suitable on mars.

It's the other way around

Boy you dumb af. no1 been on mars yet so how you know you cant play music there.

Because they run on electricity and not on hydrocarbons.