> Why do some areas have so much air pollution?

Why do some areas have so much air pollution?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Air pollution can come from a great many sources, some of them are natural and some aren’t. The presence or proximity of these sources will determine how much air-pollution is generated. Other factors such as the meteorology, topography, hydrology and ecology of an area can affect the dispersal and sequestration of pollution. The presence, influence and interaction of the different factors determines how much air pollution is present in any one area at any given time.


Some countries have stringent laws in place that greatly reduces the level of emissions that are permitted. Other countries don’t have such laws, have ineffective ones or don’t implement them; the result is that significantly greater emissions are produced.


The manufacturing sector is one of the main sources of pollution, areas of heavy industry and a strong manufacturing base will have higher levels of pollution than other areas.


The weather is the most efficient means of dispersing pollution. In areas of low rainfall, static high temperatures and little wind there is significantly less mixing of the air and as a result pollution tends to hang in the air rather than being blown away. This tends to happen more inland, during summer and during heatwaves.


Just by going about our daily business we generate air pollution, much of which comes from transportation. In densely populated towns and cities there’s a far greater amount of pollution produced than in less densely populated areas. Cities also generate their own microclimates where the pollutants become suspended in the air mass that envelops a city.


Various natural processes can remove pollutants from the atmosphere – plants photosynthesise, soils fix nitrates, water absorbs sulphates etc. If there’s a lack of these media to sequester the pollutants then atmospheric levels will be enhanced.

I’ve given you five to be going on with. Here’s ten more you might want to research and include: sunlight, temperature, sewerage and waste, soils, land use and land use change, farming and agriculture, topography, pressure gradients, thermal uplifting (and albedo), natural pollutants.

CO2 can only rise into the atmosphere so far and it is remove from the air when it rains. PH of rain water is 5.8 because of the CO2 forming carbolic acid in it. If there is nothing to remove it then it stays there, trapping the heat so Big Cities end up with more of this solution above them and if there more water vapor in the air above the city you get the idea. The more CO2 reacting with water vapor and the results we can see this solution above us.

I personally think the Global warming is due partly due to our Sun sending us a little more heat. Look at all the water vapor rising from the oceans and how can that much CO2 stay uncollected is beyond me. Look at a powerful hurricane. Look at the volcano in the Philippines that erupted not long ago.It put more CO2 in the air then we produce in 10 years and it is gone. It erupted in 1830 and New England had winter all year.

Maybe they do not want us to hear it is warming due to all the people breathing out the CO2.

Just Maybe it is due the chemical change they did to the gasoline in the early 70s to get the pollution to rise over the mountains in San Francisco. That could mean the Car emissions is not really pure CO2 but something they do not want to tell us. What cause the CO2 to rise the 2200 feet it was needed to do that. I always wondered about that. That could be a good question to ask is it not.

If an area is next to a motorway , airport , or an industrial factory , towns where there is trafic congestion , then the air pollution will be higher than other countyside locations.

It has to do with the climate/weather systems and the fact that they are different in different areas, in part due to geological differences, (such as open plains, mountainous, etc.)


i have a geography exam coming up and im a little bit stuck revising for this question-

why do some areas have so much air pollution?

could you give me 5-10 reasons why an area may have so much air pollution

Thanks a lot! ;D