> What are the causes and effects of global warming?

What are the causes and effects of global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
so green house gases are the main cause of global warming. WE release green house gases through activities such as driving which releases co2, using plastic etc...Also eating red meat contributes to huge releases of methane because cows belch huge amounts of methane into the atmosphere. The effects to name a few are more disease, more environmental refugees, more cases of skin cancer, less biodiversity because of more extinction....lets just say the effects will be catostraphic!

one of the results of global warming, is holes in the Ozone layer. Inasmuch as that layer is only a few millimetres thick, this is serious for the future of global warming. Chemicals in the atmosphere from manmade substances are increasing in countries which don't control their manufacturing processes, and unless they are brought to bear, will undoubtedly increase the hazard. The elimination of the use of fossil fuels, such as oil, may reduce the effects, but so far hasn't been implemented sufficiently to help.

The main cause according to scientist are "greenhouse gases" (in particular CO2) as they retain more of the heat that earth receives from the sun.

The simple facts are that CO2 is a greenhouse gas, that without greenhouse gases the earth average temperature would be 33C colder (a giant snowball) and that we have added 40% more CO2 to the atmosphere. There is not one scientist who denies these facts.

The effects are ecological and social changes caused by this rise in global temperature.

Solar cycles, planetary orbits, plate tectonics ocean currents.

Co2 has no effects on ozone levels, the antarctic ozone hole was the smallest this year for many years.

The effect of global warming along with increased Co2 levels is an increase in plant and animal life, (already confirmed by satellite imaging).