> Why care about global warming when backward countries and religions could care less?

Why care about global warming when backward countries and religions could care less?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Do you do the dishes in spite of the fact that they'll just get dirty again?

We hav a responsibility to protect the planet. True, a lot of people don't care but as individuals we can care and encourage others to do so.

BTW the population is not the primary problem. By feeding and educating those who can't do for themselves, the population will level off. It has been shown that women with an education have less children So it is important that everyone gets at least a middle school education,particularly women who are frequently deprived of one. The other is to supply reproductive healthcare worldwide and provide needed contraception

"Why care about global warming when backward countries and religions could care less?"

Oh. You suggest that the U.S. is a backward country for not caring about global warming? .... Wait! I think that you may be on to something here.

Poor countries are poor because they are denied energy, with cheap energy comes economic growth, prosperity and education, with prosperity and education people can stop worrying about how to feed their children and care about the environment more, with education people realize having too many children is not forward thinking, in prosperous countries the birth rate is declining.

Without prosperity education and health welfare, all the people have left is their religions to comfort them.

They are backward because we refuse to let them improve.

Why care about little kids getting raped by catholic priests when the vatican just tried to cover it all up?

Because it's the human thing to do.

Yes, people probably will trash Earth anyway. Germany is abandoning nuclear power.



On the other hand, our maker is displeased that we are treating our planet with contempt. When those who do trash our planet hear the words of Matthew 25:41 on the last day, I don't want to be among them.

Dude the worlds probably gonna end in 100 years anyway

Why care about the earth when no matter what you do the human race will trash it anyway. The people from poor countries that have backwards religions will undermine all your efforts. What's the point when eventually mankind will be living like rats as they do in Bangladesh? Your great grandchildren will not even be able to survive so who should care. Would it not be better to control the backward people for a starter and finish with climate change laws after you get the population under control?