> A survey about global warming and greenhouse effect?

A survey about global warming and greenhouse effect?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
#6, coal

#7 nuke China, though I really can't take that action and don't want to either.

1 C

2 retired but I have been all the others

3 mostly understand

4 I have not experienced any global warming in my 67yrs

5 human activity

6 Nuclear

7 I don't want to slow down global warming, a little warming is beneficial, I agree with planting lots of trees though

1. C

2. Professor (Education)

3. Teach Environmental Engineering

4. Very severe

5. Coal and Cattle

6. Wind and Hydrogen Cells

7. Develop alternative energy sources, greatly reduce meat consumption

1. b

2. White-collar

3. I would say more than most.

4. Not severe

5. Other. Nature (Ocean, vegetation, etc...)

6. Nuclear. Travelling wave or thorium reactors would be AWESOME. Although solar for home use is good.

7. Nothing. Zilch. (It's natural and cyclic.There is no need to worry about it or throw good money after bad in trying to slow it down.)

Please first answer my survey:

1. How old are you?

2. Is this a school assignment?

3. What class is this for?

4. How many assignments like this one do you get on the subject of the environment?

1. How old are you?

a. 0-20 b. 20-50 c. 50+

2. Which socio-economic group are you in?

Students/ White-collar/ Blue-collar/ Others (Please state)

3. How much do you know about global warming?

None/ understand a little/ understand much/ mostly understand/ fully understand

4. How severe do you think, that global warming has affected your life?

Not severe/ a little severe/ severe/ very severe/ extremely severe

5. In your opinion, what is the main cause of carbon dioxide (CO2) emission?

Coal Power Plants/ Volcanic activities/ Automobile emission/ Others (Please State)

6. What type of energy, do you think, has the most promising future?

Wind energy/ hydro energy/ Solar energy/ Nuclear energy/ Green chemicals/ Others (please state)

7. What action can you take to slow down global warming? (list at least two points)

Thank you very much!!!