> Who could be considered as the father of climate science?

Who could be considered as the father of climate science?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Would it be Reid Bryson, Richard Lindzen, or James Hanson?

None of those guys. I would probably vote for George Hadley.

EDIT: LOL, you're calling him out because his 17th century theory was deficient--a fact that wasn't known for 200 years? Newton's theories are all know to be deficient now too, should we throw him under the bus too? Bohr's quantum theories are wrong, what about him?

I cite a paper by Reid Bryson in my dissertation, it was a good paper for its time, but now we know some of it is dreadfully wrong. I'm not going to trash him for it, science moves forward. Even if he didn't get the equations correct, we still owe a debt to Hadley.

Arrhenius."In 1896, Svante Arrhenius, while still pursuing the idea that variations in CO2 might be the cause of the ice ages, laboriously calculated the effect of cutting the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere by half. He found that doing so would lower the temperature of Europe by 4-5 C, perhaps enough to bring on an ice age. He also found that doubling the amount of CO2 might raise the temperature of the atmosphere by 6-7 C. No one was concerned as Arrhenius’ model of the atmosphere was very crude and it was inconceivable that the amount of CO2 in the air could ever double. Some scientists speculated that man should intentionally add more CO2 to the air to ward off another ice age."-

Maybe Fourier - but, certainly none of the three you mention.

Although people like to attribute everything to some individual, nothing actually happens that way. It is unclear whether Newton or Leibniz was the first to discover calculus and even if Darwin had never lived, the Theory of Biological Evolution would be the same. It even would have been published at about the same time. Darwin only got around to publishing "Origins" because he found out that Alfred Wallace was about to publish the same theory.

every father has a father before him..

The Short History:

1824 - Joseph Fourier discovered the greenhouse effect.

1859 - John Tyndall discovered that H2O and CO2 absorb infrared confirming the Fourier greenhouse effect.

1896 - Svante Arrhenius proposed human CO2 emissions would prevent earth from entering next ice age (challenged 1906).

1950’s Guy Callendar found H2O and CO2 did not overlap all spectra bands, therefore warming from CO2 expected (countered the 1906 objections against Arrhenius).

1955 - Hans Suess identified the isotopic signature of industrial based CO2 emissions.

1956 - Gilbert Plass calculated adding CO2 would significantly change radiation balance.

1957 - Revelle/Suess suggested oceans would absorb less CO2 causing more global warming than predicted.

1958/60’s - Charles David Keeling proved CO2 was increasing in the atmosphere.

70’s/80’s Suke Manabe and James Hansen began modeling climate projections.

Current: NCAR, GISS, Hadley, CRU, RSS TLT, UAH, MSU, Glacier Melt, Sea Level Rise, Latitudinal Shift all confirm models.

The only thing Lindzen might be the father of is skepticism he, certainly isn't the father of climate science

Dudes a dumba**

Who cares Global Warming ended over a year ago and all seasons have returned to normal naturally before Global Warming in 1977. Mike / Global Command.

I'm going with this guy since climate science is a joke

Would it be Reid Bryson, Richard Lindzen, or James Hanson?