> Which greenie should we send our thanks for the spread of this disease by mosquitoes?

Which greenie should we send our thanks for the spread of this disease by mosquitoes?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

The use of DDT would solve this right now.

Victor Yannacone


DDT is still legal and being used today for mosquito control.


DDT is not used as a general pesticide any more in the USA, and this seems to be helping some species like the American bald eagle recover. It is often sprayed indoors in some other countries though. Outdoor spraying exposes many more mosquitos to the chemical and increases the chance that they will evolve resistance. This has already happened in some countries, like parts of Benin. The populations there are now resistant to DDT.


The chance of evolving resistance goes down if fewer mosquitos are exposed, which is why indoor spraying is preferred.

I'm not sure what your point is.

Even if we blanketed the planet with DDT (which would cause all sorts of problems in the human population, particularly in relation to pregnancy) we couldn't kill every mosquito. Similarly, we cannot kill every virus on the planet. Our oceans and seas are virus-soup. There's about 100 billion viruses per litre of seawater.

So the fact is mosquitos and viruses will always transmit diseases to humans.

The case in the US is not the result of 'greenies'. Nor is it due to global warming. It is due to air travel and the ability of disease to spread rapidly around the globe.

As I said, I fail to see what your point is ...

That would be Rachel Carson, the author of "Silent Spring". That work of fiction caused a worldwide disuse of the very effective insecticide DDT. That loss of DDT caused the mosquito population to grow to unprecedented levels which allowed them to carry malaria, heartworm disease, and many other mosquito-borne plagues all over the planet.

Thankfully, Ms. Carson has passed on to that great socialist pit in the sky so she can do no new harm to us her on Earth.

Insects can evolve fast. Before it was banned for crop enhancement there were already two species of grasshoppers that were using it as a defense mechanism in their spit. Health researchers testified that we came within one year of making DDT completely useless by overusing it. It's still useful today because we're very careful where and how it is used.

God, I love it when creationists inadvertently use evolution to attack the very science they misunderstand and hate so much.

/ Pun intended


The use of DDT would solve this right now.