> What is the best counter argument/s to global warming to date?

What is the best counter argument/s to global warming to date?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Seeing that so many nudniks believe it.

I think I've come up with the ultimate destruction of the theory. Just want to hear what's been said already.

Global warming is no longer a theory. It is now proven science. Stop reading the tabloids and unsourced internet articles. Get back to reality.

I would like to clear something up for all those who don't believe in global warming. The term does not refer solely to the temperature of the planet! I think it is a bad term for it because it actually refers to the effects of greenhouse gas emissions. (no they do not come from your greenhouse)

After almost a decade science is still waiting for deniers to present anything that is rational and backed by evidence, to date they haven't been able to.

I would invite you to check out Zippi62 link to John Coleman, quote from the video (right near the beginning)

"as a scientist I know that global warming doesn't exist at all"


Just a small problem Coleman is not and never has been a scientist, a 1957 degree journalism is nothing to do with science at all. This video is actually 6 years old and dates from around the same time Coleman mad a similar rant on Fox about (with 31,000 scientists?) being about to sue Gore, something that has never happened, the 31,000 scientists seem to come from the same place as Coleman's fictional science qualifications.

We are between Ice Ages. During the 20,000 year period of highest Global warmth, there are fluctuations. We have seen in history that the Medieval period allowed the Vikings to sail around Greenland about 1200 A.D. we hit the Mini-Ice Age depending on different scientists from 1600 to 1700 due to low sunspot activity.

We are leaving one of the best global warming periods for a cool down, again, depending on scientists, through 2035 to 2040. This will be a. Cooler century over all.

I apologize for any typos. Between all the ads there is not much visual area.


1. Temperature elevation tends to PRECEDE higher CO2 levels.

2. Solar activity appears to be the primary "mover" of climate change.

3. Temperature reading stations have been demonstrated to be more in the proximity of major cities, and less in remote areas, meaning that much of the recorded data is unreliable.

4. Carbon dioxide is not toxic....unlike, e.g,, sulfur dioxide...and is a much less potent "greenhouse gas" than some of these other substances.

5. This issue has come to be much more a political football, than a matter of science. And, the AGW alarmists typically argue from character assassination and name calling, not from logic and evidence. The subject has taken on a very real character of religious dogma. "Swear allegiance to the Church or die, infidel!!"

Science decisively DOES NOT support the AGW hypothesis. Now, give it a rest.

The one argument that I have lost with "skeptics" is as follows.

I live in Canada. When we were debating whether Canada should join the Kyoto accord, some people were saying that people would try to shut down the oil sands. I thought that that was absurd. North America was importing enough oil that there would be plenty of room for both oil sands development and the modest reductions of consumption that Kyoto demanded. That is still my position. Still, the skeptics won this one argument with me. Some people who would rather blame others than themselves for their own consumption have targeted Canada's oil sands and Keystone XL.

By best counterargument, you mean most convincing-sounding anti-science lie?

Are you interested also in the best "counterargument" to the Holocaust having taken place, or to 2+2=4?

Or do you prefer the Rothschild International Space Aliens "counter" to established science?

U.S. National Academy of Sciences, 2010:


“Climate change is occurring, is caused largely by human activities, and poses significant risks for a broad range of human and natural systems.”


“Choices made now about carbon dioxide emissions reductions will affect climate change impacts experienced not just over the next few decades but also in coming centuries and millennia…Because CO2 in the atmosphere is long lived, it can effectively lock the Earth and future generations into a range of impacts, some of which could become very severe.”


“The Academy membership is composed of approximately 2,100 members and 380 foreign associates, of whom nearly 200 have won Nobel Prizes. Members and foreign associates of the Academy are elected in recognition of their distinguished and continuing achievements in original research; election to the Academy is considered one of the highest honors that can be accorded a scientist or engineer.”






1. Temperature elevation tends to PRECEDE higher CO2 levels.

2. Solar activity appears to be the primary "mover" of climate change.

3. Temperature reading stations have been demonstrated to be more in the proximity of major cities, and less in remote areas, meaning that much of the recorded data is unreliable.

4. Carbon dioxide is not toxic....unlike, e.g,, sulfur dioxide...and is a much less potent "greenhouse gas" than some of these other substances.

5. This issue has come to be much more a political football, than a matter of science. And, the AGW alarmists typically argue from character assassination and name calling, not from logic and evidence. The subject has taken on a very real character of religious dogma. "Swear allegiance to the Church or die, infidel!!"

Science decisively DOES NOT support the AGW hypothesis. Now, give it a rest.

Chris, there is only one answer to your question: lie. Lie about everything, over and over, in the loudest, shrillest voice you can manage. Confuse, dissemble, misdirect, and flat out lie about the facts when they come up. Unless your opponents have the actual papers in front of them, they cannot prove you are lying. One excellent tactic is to use the "Gish Gallop" - run through so many lies on so many different topics so fast that reality does not have a chance to catch up with you.

These tactics always work well on the stupid.

Hope that helps! :D

The globe hasn't been warming for 17 years. None of the computer climate models (which is the only supposed evidence AGW cultists have) have come close to being accurate. That AGW cultist true believer elitists spend more time concocting explanations as to why the real world observations of global climate haven't conformed to their AGW theory. Everything from the oceans are magically sucking up all the heat to the Chinese coal burning pollution is blocking out the sun.

Maybe if the AGW cultists get a few more ships locked in the ice that wasn't supposed to be there...who knows.

Lying, trying to turn it into a political debate, and your tactic of calling people names.

Seeing that so many nudniks believe it.

I think I've come up with the ultimate destruction of the theory. Just want to hear what's been said already.

People constantly disagree about the reality of AGW, BUT it remains a reality no matter how much whining you deniers do

Watch and maybe you will learn something

Swank. Just say I'm too swank of r that to even be in my realm of reality

There are none, just look at the calibre of denialists on this site, pitiful, You're obviously a mental defective

These are mine in no particular order:

1.) The entirety of the climate sensivitiy is based upon interpretation of surrogate of surrogates. If you believe the paleoclimate data to the point of agreeing with the cliamte sensitivity, then you MUST also beleive that periods in the past that were warmers and had more CO2, also had more lush plant life. With plant life serving as the basis for any environments life cycle, clearly global warming would ahve a positive affect.

2.) The data as been fudged. Looking at the US records from 1999 we find no warming. Look at 2000, though, all of a sudden there are many "corrections" and warming is found in the US. Now whether or not you believe the corections were nefarious in nature, you still run aground at the problem that "corrections" can make this much of a change to the most well-kept records in the world. So what certianty can you truly place on the temp data from the past 100 years???

3.) The climate modeling. Currently they are assuming large positive feedbacks that are only justified by extremely questionable data. Ice core data and tree rign data may be giving a generally correct view, BUT pretending they are certain and basing your future models on them being certian is silly. Further, they are trying to model out a chaotic system 100 years with many unknown factor or unmeasurable factors. Any claimed certainty from such modeling practices is nothing but a facade. Sure, you can take it as a guess and then TEST your model's accuracy, but you DO NOT base expensive public policy on untested guesses.

4.) The nature of the warming. Currently the models have all failed at predicting. If they would have been linear models, they would have been much more accurate. This claim of exponential warming does not match with the past warming and has not been useful in predicting warming. Linear is far more applicable. In fact, the warmers so little believe their exponential models that they ALWAYS model their past warming with linear regression. While a 1-1.5 degree warming over the next 100 years, as would be suggested by a linear model, is of concern, it is certianly nothing to panic about.

I doubt you can destroy their view, but I look forward to hearing what you have to say. This crap logic of "science is settled" and " it is a proven fact" as if any theory in science can be a proven fact, is extremely silly. These people obviously have not read anything by Karl Popper.


Of note, none of my 4 are proof that CAGW cannot be true, but they are concerns that I feel have not been adequately addressed and certainly NOT to the point of proposing costly and difficult solutions. I do not require this level of certainty to propose good economical solutions. The more burdensome a solution is though, the greater the burden of proof. Warmers frequently forget this point.

If you can show me that this $10,000 spent will save a life, I am all for it. You say it may save a life, now you have me concerned. You say this $10,000,000 can save a life, I say NO. Not because I don't value life, but because I know that the $10,000,000 can save more lives if applied to other areas. I would hope that the gov't would not spend $10 M to save my life, that was being used to save 100 lives. Now while I would still spend ALL of my money to save my child, that is MY money, not OUR money. Given what can be done with the hundreds of billions already spent and the trillions proposed, warmers seem to strongly underestimate their burden of proof, IMO.


Then again if you really want to show how wrong they are, point to their answers here. They are going on about deniers being dumb. They have not sold their view to MOST of the US. They can make a pretense of elitism all they want, but that is a difficult sale with the people attempting to pull off the elitism. Bottom line, they are trying to sell us what they believe to be a trillion dollar problem. If I am going to buy a trillion dollar car, I am going to check every crack and crevice of that car. If that makes me an idiot in their minds, so be it.

Skepticalscience dot com [1] keeps a list of the more common claims and debunks each and every one of them.

Most of the arguments here are that it is a conspiracy by thousands of scientist publishing their papers in order to institute a tyrannical one world government and/or to persuade politicians to raise taxes on every one, including the scientist.

Once in a while you will see some funny ones here on Y.A.. Some have claimed that humans can not do anything that affect the climate because their god controls the weather. (One of them, a religious extremist, went as far as to claim that his god has his hand on the thermostat, even suggesting that his god fries children if their parents do not bow deep enough or give sufficient money to his god)

You can see from the first few answers, that the believers have just swallowed what they have been told without even thinking about it, most global warmers are not able to think for themselves

The physics behind global warming has been tested and proven.. Whether global warming is occurring isn't a debate.

Reality proves it wrong the Computer models are as trusty as crystal balls or a fortune teller .

Your horoscope might be more accurate even though newspapers dont agree with each other on that .

Just ask the founder of The Weather Channel :

A cooling climate.