> Remember when we were told the world was going to run out of oil causing a human apocalypse back in the '70s?

Remember when we were told the world was going to run out of oil causing a human apocalypse back in the '70s?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Yup, I do! But the greenies of that time have amnesia. Apparently, many of these don't remember the 'Oil Depletion Allowance' the oil industry had at the time.

Peggy: Your PhD must stand for Pretty Heavy Drinker because I can remember that in the 1940s they said we would be out of oil by 1960. It just shows PhD doesn't mean a thing on this site. All it means is that you are an educated ignoramus.

What I find most odd is that the people who started and those who support movements like Occupy Wall Street fail to recognize attempts by rich people to get richer and end up supporting the very things they are against.

And it happens over and over and over. Rich people are rich mostly because the large majority of the public is easily swayed even if they think they are not.

Now back to the subject of this YA section, I am not saying AGW is not real or might not be a problem. But what I am saying is that people should be aware of policies or the spending of resources which seem to be a solution but in fact will have no effect whatsoever on the weather/sea levels/amount of snow, etc. now or in the future (as is often promised or implied).

My comments especially apply to younger people who have much more energy and idealism than wisdom and experience.


Edit: "I have cited many examples of recent climatic variability and repeated the warnings of several well-known climatologists that a cooling effect has set in – perhaps one akin to the Little Ice Age - and that climatic variability, which is the bane of reliable food production, can be expected to increase along with the cooling."

- Climate Scientist Stephen Schneider "The Genesis Strategy: Climate and Global Survival (1976)"

So running out oil was not all they were saying in the 70s.

Policy has little to do with the science, I wish it was based on science, but policy is dictated by politicians who care more for the next election and the funding of their campaigns, then the people they serve..

@ Sagebrush "All it means is that you are an educated ignoramus." You are a fine one to talk, you do not know what weather has to do with climate...

Gary F is just bitter because he is one of those that is constantly fooled by those predicting that we are running out of resources. Pegminer obviously wasn't around in the 1970s. I remember Jimmy Carter predicting we would run out of oil in 10 years. These bozos have been predicting similar things since the 1800s. Leftists seem to be fascinated with failed theories such as Ehrlich's, Marx's, and now AGW. Being proved wrong has never stopped them before.

You apparently have a faulty memory. The prediction was that U.S. oil production would be around the year 1970, and it did:


We'll see whether or not fracking can push us back to 1970 levels. Personally I would bet against it. I believe many of the newly fracked fields are already declining in production.

Oil is still a finite commodity. We may push the peak oil date back a few years with fracking, but we won't change what's inevitable.

EDIT: I was listening to geologists back in the 1970s jim z, while you were obsessed with politics instead of science--as you apparently still are.

EDIT for Sagebrush: You might actually find out what the oil depletion allowance is before you start talking about it--and by the way, it didn't go away.

Another EDIT: Not that people like you ever get your facts straight, but the scare was not that we were running out of oil, it was that we would run out of CHEAP oil. If you pay enough money, there will always be oil. Yes, we can make it out of other things--if you have enough energy, that is. Are you willing to pay $20/gallon for your tree branch gasoline?

By the way, your use of the term "libtards" is offensive.

You sure they weren't talking about peek oil production rather than us running out? The cheapest prices for oil and other products are when they are at peak production. Almost immediately after they exit the curve of peak production they begin getting more expensive. It does not surprise me that people like you do not understand this and that this is what they were most likely talking about as it has been talked about for years.


The reason it has been 'saved from the brink' is because of new extraction methods. However the resource is still limited and, as with every limited resource, it will reach a peak eventually. That time has just been elongated because of these new extraction methods.


I always thought that was funny because it worked extremely well in giving the companies the ability to raise prices so the exploration business could be profitable. If you knew how much oil and natural gas we have here in the U.S. that is untapped all that scarey stuff becomes even more funny.

The oil is still running out, why do you think petrol has become more expensive, overtaking the inflation rate, because of scarcity, You're just so addicted to your lifestyle that you're in denial

I don't personally remember the 70s, because I was either not alive, or a toddler.

But, one thing I will note. Sometimes, scientists warn of something, then we take action to stop it. When that happens, we would *expect* the thing scientists were warning about not to happen (or to stop). Because we *made* it not happen. That's what happened to acid rain, and the ozone hole. To a lesser extent, that's what happened to the energy crisis. We found new sources of energy, and made better use of old ones. We got more fuel-efficient cars, we insulated our homes, we started to make more use of non-fossil-fuel energy sources, and so on.

If scientists say "If nothing changes, then X", and something changes, and X doesn't happen, it's not necessarily that scientists were wrong, it's that the conditions that would have caused X weren't there any more.

At the same time, they were talking about global cooling, and saying the solution was to melt the Arctic with blacksoot.

All the doom and gloom predictions that would have made humanity a living hell on earth from over population to running out of oil and resources, etc. Evangelical liberals have been attempting to scare the living hell out of people into adopting their policies for the salvation of humanity for decades but whatever happened to the apocalypse? We were supposed to run out of energy in the late 70s to mid 80s. The Canadians even printed out a stupid comic book and handed it out to school kids:


The 1st earth day was a doozy. It was chock full of leftist elitists making absolute fools out of themselves making claims and predictions and prophecy.


Among these predictions were US fossil fuel energy reserves were going to be completely depleted (this claim has been made many times since the 1800s but the evangelical leftist liberals in the 70s took it to a whole new level of stupid). We were told we had a very limited supply of natural gas. Even in the 90s I recall being told by the well educated elitists in academia that the oil reserves were finite and greedy rich people with their hummers and SUVs were selfishly guzzling away our resources leaving the rest of us poor broke fools with nothing.

Remember these predictions? Well, in spite of these leftist idiots educated beyond their intelligence the US alone has now the potential to become an oil producing country with an output greater than Saudi Arabia.


Where are all those liberal educated elitists and their kool-aid drinking groupies who made these fanatical failed projections, predictions, doom and gloom prophecies in the past? They are predicting that AGW is going to cause catastrophic devastation and our only salvation is to adopt their leftist liberal policies (most of which are ironically the very same policies that were supposed to save us from all their other fanatically failed predictions of the past such as overpopulation, etc.)

When an intelligent objective person looks at the history of these leftists and their failed ideological prophecies of the past and compares them to their failing ideological prophecies now it won't take much to conclude what the outcome of AGW theory is going to be. All one has to do is read the prophetic projections from these people in the 90s and compare them to reality today. Crap like 'children aren't going to know what snow is...' and whatnot spewed back then are met with headlines like this today:


Kind of makes me wonder how anyone with a brain cell can take people like AGW cultists seriously.

Actually I don't see where much of any of this relates to current day AGW Your link to Goddard shows you don't know jack about AGW as he isn't even a climate scientist. He is just a blowhard

Don't worry.

There are many alternative sources of energy.

Algae fuel can replace fossil fuel to buy time for developing solar energy or fusion energy.

Although all promotion on running out of fossil fuel may be lies, they generate opportunities for technologies to develop some goodness to human and drive our civilization forwards.

Luke 13

2 And Jesus answered, and said unto them, Suppose ye, that these Galileans were greater sinners than all the other Galileans, because they have suffered such things?

3 I tell you, nay, but except ye amend your lives, ye shall all likewise perish.

4 Or think you that those eighteen, upon whom the tower in Siloam fell, and slew them, were sinners above all men that dwell in Jerusalem?

5 I tell you, nay, but except ye amend your lives, ye shall all likewise perish.

Good question.

The "We're gonna run out of oil so we have to pay big bucks for so-called "Renewable Energy" or we're all gonna die" Krap was one of the early, bold-faced Lies spewed out by the Church of Global Warming.

Any kind of research would have exposed this scandalous lie, but the Liberal/Hippy mainstream media carried the torch for this hoax.

What a shame!

I do Jimmy Carter was president and there was gas lines and rationing .

No, apart from the 1974 "energy crisis" which produced all sorts of sensationalism. This "question" is moreover in the wrong category.

Nice demonstration of how scientifically illiterate Deniers use post-hoc anecdotal evidence and self-deluding thinking to construct feeble-minded arguments.