> What exactly is global warming?

What exactly is global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Man-made Global Warming is an enormous global scam to raise our taxes and destroy our liberties.

It's been cooling for at least 12 years.


Top climate scientists say there is no man-made Global Warming.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

It is about taking care of our environment.

Global Warming was an ALIEN Organism protruding a narrow beam that was energized when dawn's first light appeared, then expanded into the size of daylight upward to the under part of our ozone, but to pinpoint this exact location to only melt only iced areas on earth as earth rotated. The exact location of pin pointing this position was in outer space outside of our ozone. Global Warming was'nt destroyed, but only turned off. It's quite possible the ALIEN Invaders can move it to another location. Global Command

Picking MAX shows that you are a troll.

Earth will not become uninhabitable, of course. No scientist would claim it will.

Just not like what we are used to growing food in.

Global warming is a scam.

Please do not procreate. Thanks.

Controlling your life for the benefit of others.

Global climate variation is a natural phenomenon that has been going on for the entire life of the planet.

Human activity is a tiny droplet in a vast ocean.

As usual, Trevor has the best answer. There are a number of other folks who provide accurate answers. There are also a number of other folks who say things like, "It's not warming", or that "CO2 doesn't make any difference", or that "it's been warmer at some point in the past". It has been warmer in the past, but that doesn't make any difference today. We live now, not at some point in the past. CO2 does make a difference. It is true that the atmosphere has showed less warming recently, but, as Trevor points out, there are other influences that moderate warming. EG, if you have ocean water turning over, bringing cold water to the surface, then it takes considerable energy to warm that water. If the rate at which that happens changes, it will have a dramatic effect on the temperature of the air above that water.

I like to think of global warming this way. Increasing the amount of greenhouse gases is kind of like pulling on an extra blanket at night. The blanket doesn't heat you up. What it does is slow the heat from your body radiating away from you. The earth gets a lot of energy from the sun, and a little energy radiating up from the center of the earth. AND, the earth constantly radiates energy away, into space. The "normal" temperature is the point at which those two balance each other. When you add more greenhouse gases, it slows some of the heat being radiated away, and the earth will, very slowly, warm to a new balance point.

This shows the physics of how CO2, water, etc, cause the earth to retain heat.

http://www.rkm.com.au/ANIMATIONS/carbon-... <== here's the physics.

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/co... <== Note that CO2 intercepts a different wavelength than water. In addition, as CO2 warms the oceans, more water evaporates, increasing it's effectiveness.

Global warming is an increase in global average temperature over a number of years.

Is it happening?

Yes http://scienceblogs.com/significantfigur...

Note that the increase is not uniform over that period and especially between 1940 and 1980 there was little increase. We are currently in a stable period which has led some to question whether it is happening. This could last for several more years after which it will probably start to increase again or could surprise everyone by falling.

Is it anthropogenic (man made)?

This is the best explanation we have for the current period of warming even though past episodes could have had other causes. Our understanding of the physics of atmospheric carbon dioxide supports this theory. Other theories such as sunspot activity have not held up to scrutiny.

In theory it is possible that by burning fossil fuels and producing CO2 we may cause some warming, but this is probably a very minor effect, as shown by no effective warming for the last 17yrs while all the time CO2 levels have been escalating, you have to remember CO2 is a minor greenhouse gas, water vapor is the major greenhouse gas, but water vapor also has some cooling effects through evaporation, convection and condensation, as long as our Earth is covered by 70% water it will never warm enough for humans to be in danger.

Correct me if imm wrong but it's when we burn to much fossil fuels and it warms up our atmosphere. Is global warming true and is it happening right now? If so are we humans the cause of it and how could we reverse the effect? When and if it does how long will it take until Earth is uninhabbitable?

It amazes me the people who take this seriously. There are thousands of scientists in the United States who do not agree with this theory. It is a political sham being force fed to the world. Now lets look at this from a natural survival point of view. I get hired to do studies on global warming or climate change I am paid with tax payer money, after 10 years I can not find any credible evidence of this occurring. Do I report these findings, if so there will be no need for my position, hence no money. Do I conceal this and continue to get paid, and retain my position. The only way to find the truth is to have scientist study this on their own with no public money.

An increase in Earth's temperature.


This is a great booklet (10 page pdf) published by the National Academy of Sciences and the Royal Society. These are the highest scientific authorities the in U.S. and UK. The national science academies are the associations of the greatest scientists -- and only the greatest scientists -- in a nation and there very purpose is to advise their nations on complex science. Go to the NAS for the real word on what climate scientists understand about climate and climate change.

There has been no statistical global warming for the past 17 years…most of today’s high school students haven’t witnessed it in their lifetimes.

There is absolutely no credible scientific consensus that human activities, including fossil burning, are having a dangerous (or even measurable) influence on climate change…either for warming or cooling.

Emeritus Professor?Chemical?Thermodynamics Dr.?Leslie Woodcock of the University of Manchester’s?School of Chemical Engineering and Analytical Science?and a former NASA researcher:

‘Global warming is nonsense’

“If you talk to real scientists who have no political interest, they will tell you there is nothing in global warming. It’s an industry which creates vast amounts of money for some people.”

Emeritus Professor and former NASA scientist Les Woodcock:

“the term ‘global warming’ does not mean anything unless you give it a time scale. The temperature of the earth has been going up and down for millions of years, if there are extremes, it’s nothing to do with carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, it’s not permanent and it’s not caused by us.”


Put simply, it’s that more heat is being retained within the atmosphere than used to be the case. This heat is being trapped because there are more greenhouse gases.


Earth’s atmosphere retains heat, it acts like a layer of insulation and keeps our planet at a habitable temperature. It’s called the Greenhouse Effect and if it didn’t exist, Earth would be frozen solid.

The heat is retained by molecules of greenhouse gases, common ones are water vapour, carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide.

If anything happens that affects the amount of these gases then the temperature will respond accordingly. Reduce the amount of greenhouse gases and Earth cools, increase them and it warms.

Burning fossil fuels produces carbon dioxide gas, this adds to the amount already in the atmosphere.

Many other processes also produce greenhouse gases such as farming and agriculture, manufacturing processes, mineral extraction and processing, deforestation, waste and sewerage, the chemical industry, cement production etc.

Natural processes can remove some greenhouse gases from the atmosphere. For the last 100 years or so we’ve been adding more of these gases than nature can deal with and they’ve accumulated in the atmosphere. Today there’s 42% more of these gases than before the world became industrialised.


Yes, it’s true. Some people might prefer to pretend otherwise but they’re really only kidding themselves. Consider that every single government in the world accepts that it’s happening and that there isn’t a single scientific organisation on Earth that disputes this. It’s actually a consequence of the laws of science so it’s inevitable it’s going to happen.

Global warming isn’t new either, it’s been known to science for over 200 years so we’ve had plenty of time to understand what it is and how it happens.


Yes it is. It began slowly as the world started to become industrial and has increased since.

It’s quite complicated because there are also natural cycles that cause short-term warming and cooling. At times the manmade part gets masked by natural cooling, at other times temperatures rise quite sharply. It’s not the case that temps go up, up, up; more that they go up in a series of steps.

At the moment there are strong natural cycles that are in their cooling phase and this has temporarily halted the warming. In the next few years these cycles will switch to warming and temperatures will go up another notch.


We’re the cause of the recent warming. Some warming is natural, but so too is cooling, nature balances itself out. Most of the natural influences are currently in their cooling phases, in theory Earth should be cooling quite rapidly - but it’s not. The reason it’s not is because the manmade warming is stopping any cooling from taking place.


Reversing it is difficult, slowing it down is easier.

We can reduce the effects by cutting our greenhouse gas emissions. We could get electricity from sources that don’t burn fossil fuels, we could stop cutting down the trees (particularly the rainforests), we cut use devices that capture carbon dioxide when it’s produced by industry, there’s actually a lot of things we can do to slow down global warming.

To reverse the effects we’d need to do something called geoengineering – deliberately altering the climate. We can do this by using chemical processes to extract greenhouse gases from the atmosphere, we could deliberately release other gases and particles that cause cooling, we could use machines to generate more clouds and cut out some of the heat from the Sun. It’s even been suggested that we build a giant lens in space to act as a sunscreen.


Global warming is already happening. So far the planet has warmed by about 0.8°C in the last 100 years, most of the warming having occurred since 1980, but with little change in the last 15 years or so.

By 2050 it’s expected that the world will warm by a further 1°C and by 2100 by about 2°C to 3°C.

Earth won’t ever reach a point where it becomes uninhabitable. Even if we keep producing lots of greenhouse gases long into the future, their effect weakens the more of them there are and so warming will slow down. Eventually it reaches a point where almost no further warming will take place.

What we’re already seeing, and will continue to do so, is that hot places become even hotter and harder to live in but at the same time the cold places are warming up and becoming more habitable.

In many cases it’s about adapting to the changes, something that humans are very good at when we set our minds to it.

Some think the sh.t has already hit the fan and its irreversible, meanwhile holy book readers apparently have turned to praying for climate change gods to fix this , this of course is convenient for the polluters of the world,

at this point i am resigned to the horror of what pure greed is capable of ,the extinction of man by man .

It is when we burn to much fossil fuels which puts too much extra CO2 in the air which traps more of the Sun's heat on Earth. We can reverse the effect by using energy sources that do not produce CO2 as a waste product. That includes hydroelectric, nuclear, geothermal, solar, and wind. And biofuels that produce CO2 are also good, because making any biofuel takes CO2 out of the air and that balances out the amount put back in the air when you burn it.

But the planet will never change enough to become uninhabitable, even if we keep burning fossil fuels for centuries more.

Global Warming is a gradual increase in the overall temperature of the earth's atmosphere generally attributed to the greenhouse effect caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide, CFCs, and other pollutants. so you are correct in a way, however, it is not just fossil fuels. Global Warming is taking place in places like Japan and China where pollution is evident in some areas. These country's also use Nuclear Factorys and Coal Factorys which produce greenhouse gases extensively. We can reverse the effect if we find a substance or material that is good for the environment and electrical appliances can run on (A replacement for coal and oil products) We can protest against governments who allow extensive pollution to take place. Global Warming occurs when the atmosphere becomes to thick for Sun rays to leave the earths atmosphere. This rays effect the polar ice caps and once they are gone, land masses will decrease in land leaving many houses flooded. However, the land will still be habitable as there will still be places where people can live, just not much.

Its a lie checkout Infowars.com

Warming of the globe