> What effect will Population Growth have on Climate Change?

What effect will Population Growth have on Climate Change?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Population growth will lead to more emissions of CO2 as those countries decide to enjoy a wealthier lifestyle. These CO2 emissions will increase temperatures somewhat. According to modelers this warming will have a positive feedback, resulting in more warming. More likely is a negative feedback and not much warming. For example, more warming means more ocean evaporation means more clouds means more sunlight reflected back into space means less warming.

First of all, not even the IPCC has given a proper definition. They say, "Climate Change is a change in climate." That is foolish at best.

However, population does not change the climate. If this were so then cities like New York and London would have changed climates long ago.

Some say that the increase of CO2 will change a climate. We have had a good percentage increase in CO2 and yet no one on this site can point out a change in climate any place on the earth in the last century.

Mankind does not have the power to change climates. Climate Change is a scam in which the scam artists of today are undeniably getting rich and laughing at us.

Global warming is not a population warming. Even if everyone stopped having babies, it would be sixteen years before one of the babies who would otherwise be born would be old enough to drive, and therefore, it would be sixteen years before population control could take a single car off the road.

The solution to global warming is to use zero emission energy sources, such as solar, wind and nuclear power. Once such energy sources supply all of our energy sources, the carbon dioxide emissions will be zero, regardless of population.

That doesn't mean that overpopuation is not a threat. But population is a food supply problem, not a global warming problem.

The largest single threat to the ecology and biodiversity of the planet in the decades to come will be global climate disruption due to the buildup of human-generated greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. People around the world are beginning to address the problem by reducing their carbon footprint through less consumption and better technology. But unsustainable human population growth can overwhelm those efforts, leading us to conclude that we not only need smaller footprints, but fewer feet.

eventually in the future it may be devastating to the climate. population alone does not harm the environment but the actions we make to cause it. if we all used carbon free emissions we would be doing the earth a big favor but global warming and being environmentally friendly in general is not just about cars. growing population means more houses, shopping centers, towns growing into cities. farms growing large to mass produce livestock for food. livestock being fed grain the needs and even bigger farm to grow on. forests being stripped for farmland and rainforests being cut down also for farmland. lumber needed to build houses and furniture may outgrow the amount of time and space needed to regrow trees. deforestation leads to less plants taking up c02. mass production of livestock means more production of methane from their waste.we may find betters ways to feed the population in the future and save space but ultimately the population cannot grow at the rate it is forever.

Will depend on the influence of people, will their influences per captia be greater, less or the same as now?

If population increased with current impacts it would exacerbate the rate of climate change.

Climate change is a significant change to the climate over an extended period of time (and at the moment anthropogenic influences are having a net effect on the rate of this change).

Too many population will damage the envirorment and will influence the climate.

Climate change is a significant and lasting change in the statistical distribution of weather patterns over periods ranging from decades to millions of years. It may be a change in average weather conditions, or in the distribution of weather around the average conditions (i.e., more or fewer extreme weather events). Climate change is caused by factors such as biotic processes, variations in solar radiation received by Earth, plate tectonics, and volcanic eruptions. Certain human activities have also been identified as significant causes of recent climate change, often referred to as "global warming".

None what so ever. Climate change is a naturally occurring process caused by the orbit of the planet, and tectonic plate activity, causing volcanos and earthquakes, which actually control the weather.

Population does not change climate. The current world population is about 7 billion and is having no effect on climate.

Top climate scientists say there is no man-made Global Warming.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

More people, more fossil fuel consumption, more CO2, more climate change.

But try these first:

1. More homework, more knowledge, better grades, less time wasted asking dumb questions on Yahoo Answers.

2. Google.

Increased electricity usage which will prosuce more CO2

More deforestation for shelter producing more Co2

More attos producing more CO2 methane and Nitrous oxide and low level ozone

The planet will continue to warm

earn to web search to find answers so you can do your own homework

none, people don't control the weather.
